2009 Feb finds page |

harness strap distributor (probably a bridle cheek piece) of the late
Anglo-Saxon to early Norman period |
ROMAN (Certain) to ROMAN (Certain), Circa 75 AD - Circa 200 AD bottom part of the same type of enameled brooch below found earlier in the season

ROMAN (Certain) to ROMAN (Certain), Circa 75 AD - Circa 200 AD
Object Type: |
Head stud Brooch |
Incomplete copper alloy ‘Roman ‘head stud’ brooch. What survives is the upper part only. The wings are semi-cylindrical, short and one wing is truncated. The spring fixing lug is broken, the spring and pin are entirely missing. A small worn knop to the top of the brooch is probably the remains of a chain loop fitting. On the head of the brooch is a worn, raised stud formed of two concentric circles. This may once have been enamelled, though no traces survive. On the surviving portion of the bow are two vertically placed recessed squares, the upper contains red enamel, the lower is empty. These squares presumably continued down the bow. The lower half of the brooch is missing, along with the catchplate. No original surface survives. Exposed surfaces are mid and light green. The broken edges, though not fresh, are not well worn, suggesting damaged occurred in the more recent past. The width of the wings is 20.48mm, the bow is 10.78wide, the brooch is 28.95mm long and weighs 10.68g. Brooches of this type date from about AD 75 to AD 200. Examples can be seein in Hattatt, 1987, Brooches of antiquity, page 123, figure 41. |
1st/2ndC Roman bronze sent for ID 29.47mm, 15.03g |
3rd/4th C Roman bronze sent for ID 26.44m, 4.89g |
Roman bronze key |
Venetian Soldino hammered silver coin 0.26g,12.08mm
Rev: LAVS TIBI SOLI (Thee Alone be Praised). Haloed figure of Christ holding a cross.
Obv: LE LAV DVX S M V (Leonardo Lauredan, Doge. St Mark of Venice.) Doge kneeling before Saint Mark.
Roman statue base fragment ? |
2oz Victorian trade weight |
1942 George VI milled silver sixpence (159) |
16thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
17thC mount with looped supsension ring |
Medieval ear wax double ended scraper |
Reaserching this stud |
Medieval spur fragment |
15th C lead token - Type 2 |
17thC button |
Large 17thC baldric buckle |
16thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
20thC Continental silver watch back - 92.5% silver |
Huge 1797 George III cartwheel penny |
Medieval lead pot mend |
William III silver sixpence fragment (160) |
1940 George VI milled silver shilling (12 pence) (161) |
1936 George VImilled silver florin (24 pence) (162) |
1922 George VImilled silver florin (24 pence) (163) |
1696 William III milled copper farthing |
1753 George II copper farthing |
1795 pattern Royal Artillery concave one pices button
One piece Navy button
Honi soit qui mal y pense (Old French: shame upon him who thinks evil of it)
RN - Packet Service
( Mail & Supplies Delivery )
Firmin & Co |
1158- 1180 Henry II Tealby cross and crosslets hammered silver cut qtr penny |
Stunning 1649 Commonwealth hammered silver penny |
17th hammered coper trade farthing - Daniel Walker of Woodbridge Suffolk - Grocer |
1653 hammered coper trade farthing - Jeremy Erds of Manningtree Essex |
Medieval book clasp |
1550-1650 buckle |
1550-1650 buckle |
Tiny 1307 Edward II hammered silver farthing (1/4 pence) Type 28 - 12.44mm, 0.29g
Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint
2- 1674 Charles II milled copper farthings
RN Capt / Commander - 1825 |
RN Lieutenant - 1825 |
RN Midshipman - 1825 |
In use 1825 - 1827 |
Backmark - Turner & Sons
16thC Elizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence |
Interesting shield mount with red enameled raised circle design - Post medieval |
Georgian watch winder |
17thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
Medieval hooked mount with single rivet fixing |
Silver corner protector - Birmingham hallmark 96% silver - date letter for 1900 |
16th/17thC button |
Roman silver coin fragment - 'cooking' it to remove 'hornsilver' crust |
Medieval spur fragment |
Very interesting hammered silver penny - 17.36mm, 1.06g
1341 AD Edward III florin type CIVI/TAS/DVN/ELN - Durham mint - note the crozier to one limb of cross in inset (after ELN)
Interesting small foreign silver coin with a copper tinge 16.71mm,0.42g - need to check World coin book
Medieval spur fragment |
Essex Reg cap badge |
Lead mount |
1550-1650 buckle |
4thC Roman bronze |
1920 George VI milled silver sixpence
Silver count (165) +1
Saxon wrist band with punched circle design - 63.87mm W x 4.92mm T |
Antonio Venier (1382-1400) AD hammered Soldino silver Venetian coin |
1399- 1413 Henry IV hammered silver penny - quartrefoil with pellet at the centre of reverse cross -16.82mm, 0.88g
Rev CIVI/TAS/EBO/RAC - York mint
Saxon gilded and decorated hanger |
Medieval spur fragment |
1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthing |
Not sure what this is ? |
2 - 17thC hook mounts with 2 rivet fixings |
Georgian watch winder |
Medieval decorated book clasp |
17thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
Medieval mount with 2 integral lugs |
Stunning 17thC decorated hooked sword hanger |
Roman military buckle with integral chape |
17th C lock plate |
1614 James 1st hammered silver half groat |
C10th C Saxon harness strap distributer |
French police
Back mark
23 M Paris |
WWII Royal airforce button |
19thC livery button - raised hand |
WWII USA Royal marines button |
Peruvian lead bale seal |
Georgian pastry jigger wheel |
Antonio Venier (1382-1400) AD hammered Soldino silver Venetian coin |
1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthing |
1461 - 1483 Edward IV Irish coin hammered silver penny - note the two Rosettes by neck on Obverse which is only on the irish Edward IV's. Still researching this coin in the Irish books as it not one I have ever seen before or a legend I know, great find.
Rv ***/DER ??? |
17thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
1483 Richard III hammered silver long cross penny |
19thC livery button |
1550-1650 buckle |
Curious button with raised cross design - could be late medieval |
16th C Tudor period necklace glass bead |
Interesting rod that I thought initially was a key - not sure of it's use. It is possible that it is a different type of latch key. |
1880's pattern Prussian Army button |
20thC Girl Guides badge |
1586 Hans Krauwincel II Rose orb Jeton
1550-1650 buckle |
Navy badge |
County Borough of newport tramways button |
Elephant charm |
1550-1650 buckle |
Georgian buckle |
Post medieval lead cloth seal |
Small cross pendant with punched design - possibly Saxon |
Roman knife pommel |
1634 Charles 1st hammered copper rose farthing |
20thC slot machine token |
15thC lead token - long cross and pellet Type 2 |
Great condition 1778 George III copper penny |
Georgian buckle |
Georgian Button overstamped 'DENTS' ? |
Interesting pot fot - probably Georgian |
Small Romano/British bronze bead |
18thC crotal bell |
Romano/British widget - we have found another one currently under investigation at Colchester museum |
Georgian watch winder |
17thC duck head S buckle fragment - pewter |
Great find, early Napoleonic lead statue mount -found on a French Napoleonic POW site - 74mm H
The hat shows the symbol of a fusiliers

16th C Tudor decorated knife handle - 83.7mm L
WWII Royal Marines button |
16th/17thC button |
1696 William III milled silver sixpence (166) |
1696 William III milled silver sixpence (167) |
Medieval silver long cross penny in the 'cooker' to remove the horn silver crust |
16th C Elizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence |
RN Capt / Commander - 1812 |
Coldstream Guards
Officer - 1855 |
Medieval decorated strap guide - 2 rivet fixing 32.91mm L x 17.46 mm W |
Corporation button |
1550-1650 buckle |
1836 William IIII milled silver four pence (168) |
Probably one of the smallest hammered silver coins you can find, 1/3rd the weight of a Medieval silver farthing
1625-42 Charles 1st hammered silver half penny - Rose each side - no legend type
0.17g, 9.5mm
Annia Galeria Faustina, more familiarly referred to as Faustina the Elder (Latin: Faustina Major; born September 21 about 100, died 141), was a Roman Empress and wife of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius.
Sent off for ID
1670 's Charles II milled silver four pence - undated type (169) |
1928 George V milled silver sixpence (170) |
Georgian pastry jigger wheel |
15thC thimble |
Royal Navy - Officers (Roped Rim) Lined Background 17.5mm 1843-1891
Post medieval bale seal |
1341 AD Edward III florin type CIVI/TAS/DVN/ELM - Durham mint - note the crozier to one limb of cross (after ELM)
1272 Edward Ist hammered silver penny class 9b
Rev VILLA/****/NDI - Bury St Edmonds mint
1272 Edward 1st hammered silver penny
Obv EDW ******HYB
Rev CIVI/TAS *****
2nd C Roman plate brooch - 27.39mm H x 21.16mm W |
Medieval beehive thimble |
George II trade weight - Crown G cipher |
1704 Queen Anne trade weight |
Looks like a medieval barrel lock part - still working on it |
1860 Victorian copper farthing in great shape |
18thC lead sewing palm guard |
Medieval pot foot |
1787 Dutch lead bale seal |
George III copper in great shape |
Georgian lead tobacco jar lid handle |
17thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
1628 Charles 1st hammered silver sixpence - Anchor mintmark - Group E |
Honi soit qui mal y pense (Old French: shame upon him who thinks evil of it)

Medieval badges Ref Mitchiner p244 939 - 941
'A badge for a Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in bronze and dating somewhere around C13/14th possibly very slightly later . This is a very scarce item and it relates to The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem being a Catholic chivalric order of Knighthood that traces its roots to Godfrey of Bouillon, principal leader of the First Crusade. According to reliable sources in the Vatican and Jerusalem, it began in historical reality as a mixed clerical and lay confraternity (association) of pilgrims which gradually grew around the most central of the Christian holy places in the Middle East, the Holy Sepulchre or the tomb of Jesus Christ.This would have been a pin for a member of the order , there is a mark on the reverse where the original pin would have been fixed

18thC toy flintlock pistol
1819 George III milled silver sixpence (171) |
Georgian seal matrix |
1578 Dutch low countries Antwerp hand coin weight - Cornelis Jansen 1564- 1604 - 4.98g, 15.37mm sq |
Medieval bronze open topped thimble (a)21.89mm dia, 6.59g |
16thC copper alloy open topped thimble (b)1.75g,17.8mm dia |
4thC Roman bronze coin sent off for ID 17.04mm, 1.28g |
1681 Charles II milled silver groat (4 pence) (172) |
1593 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver six pence - Tun mintmark 6th issue |
1634-5 Charles 1st hammered silver half groat - Tower mint under Charles 1st - Bell mintmark - Type 3a1, no inner circles |
Royal fusiliers button ? Not checked books yet
Back mark Best Quality S
Roman decorated dagger quillion fragment - petal design 38.34 mm dia |
18thC Swedish copper coin ? not checked ref books yet |
1818 George III milled silver forgery |
1250 - 1500 buckle |
1500 -1650 buckle |
1572 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver penny - Ermine mint mark 4th issue |
1697 William III milled silver sixpence (173) |
1728 George II milled silver sixpence (174) |
1649 Commonwealth hammered silver half groat - S shaped love token |
1582-3 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat |
1946 George VI milled silver sixpence (175) |
Tiny 1625 Charles 1st hammered silver half penny - rose both sides, no legend type - 10.19mm, 0.32g |
1594-6 Elizabeth hammered silver half groat 6th issue - Woolpack mintmark |
1931 George V milled silver sixpence (176) |
'That's a denarius of Trajan - predecessor of Hadrian (who built a wall up your way - you might have heard of it...) - under whose reign from 98-117 AD. the Roman Empire attained its largest size (briefly, before Hadrian gave Parthia back to the Parthians).
The reverse reads 'S.P.Q.R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI" - a standard reverse legend paired with dozens of reverse types. This one seems to be Mars advancing right. This series dates to about 107 AD. and the obverse legend in its entirety most likely reads IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P.' Mark
19.2mm, 2.36g |
1921 George V milled silver three pence (177) |
1929 George V milled silver shilling(12 pence) (178) |
17thC William III milled silver 6 pence (179) |
RN Capt / Commander - 1812 |
1942 George VI milled silver sixpence (180) |
Corporation button |
18thC Harsp and clasp parts of a clog fastener |
Interesting Roman widget - no idea of it's use yet |
Very interesting twisted brooch - Lombaric style lettering suggests Medieval period |
Roman bronze sent for ID - 2.03g, 17.8mm |
Roman bronze sent for ID 1.30g, 16.34mm |
4thC Roman buckle - very unusual type with central iron mounting - seperate bar for attachment of belt 34.81mm L x 30.76mm |
Georgian watch winder with cupid design |
3rd C Roman broze coin sent for ID |
1377-1399 Richard II hammered silver cut 1/4 penny
Obv CIVI/TAS/DVN/OLM - Durham mint
0.37mm ,8.81mm
1341 Edward III ahmmered silver penny - Cross 3 - Florin type
Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint
1.28mm,16.65mm |
17thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
Medieval Boy Bishop lead token
Obv Long cross and pellet
Rev Bishop mitre
Medieval decorated knife quillion - iron tang remains |
17thC mount with 2 integral lugs |
1919 George V milled silver sixpence (181) |
Georgian harness mount |
Victorian lion head mount - 2 integral lugs |
Georgian hinge |
18thC Royal artillery button |
Napoleonic Navy button ? |
Georgian bell clapper |
Stunning 13thC personal lead seal matric with complete supsension loop - 32.33mm dia, 24.84g
March 2009 finds Page 1 link
March 2009 finds Page II link