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    Hoards and Treasures Updated March 2025


    What is defined as a Treasure or a Hoard under UK law ? - check out the Treasure Act page for full details

    1721 Gold and black enamel mourning ring - reported as treasure

    A.M obt 2 May 1721

    Maker RD

    5g, 22.13mm

    March 2025

    Reported to museum as treasure

    Complete Record ID: ESS-6715AB - POST MEDIEVAL whistle.

    A fragment of a silver gilt bosun's whistle of post-medieval date (c.1500-1700).

    Description: The whistle remains as one half of the ovoid hollow of the whistle which would have been attached to a tube through which air would have been blown into the hollow. The hollow would have been constructed in two halves and joined at their bases. The remaining half has semi-circular cut out which, when joined to the other half would have created a circular opening, allowing the blown air to escape. The fragment is decorated with a raised design in the form of a flower with five heart-shaped petals and a raised knop at its centre. The fragment is slightly bent and retains much of its gilding.

    Measurements: height: 8.5mm; width: 13.4mm thickness: 9mm weight: 0.75g

    Discussion: More complete bosuns' whistles with the same decoration recorded on the database and submitted for the consideration as Treasure include SOM-77474D (2017T629) HAMP-D7F787 (2013T746) CAM-AEA9B6 (2018T1014); HESH-DB1922 (2010T456); LVPL-8EE474 (2015T412). These are all dated to within the range of c.1500-1700.

    Nov 2024

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Pending 17thC silver bodking needle - reported as treasure to museum

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending Stunning 16thC Tudor gilded silver hat pin- reported as treasure to museum

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending 17thC silver seal matrix - reported as treasure to museum

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending 17thC Charles 1st silver button

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending 17thC silver bodking needle - reported as treasure to museum

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending 17thC Charles 1st silver button

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending 17thC Charles 1st silver button - very unsual type - reported as treasure to museum

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending Ancient gold sheet - 0.65g, 17.5mm L Disclained


    5 BC to 25BC Addedomarus - Trinovantian tribe


    Reported as hoard addendum coin to museum

    Nov 2024

    With museum


    Stunning detailed high carat gold animal figurine - reported to museum as potential treasure

    This was on a site with 1300 BC items found, Roman and Celtic gold finds so impossible to date - I will go for medieval

    3.0g, 24.4 mm L x 3.9mm W

    Nov 2024

    With museum


    1300BC gold armlett ring

    1.85g, 13.56mm dia x 5.04mm W

    Nov 2024

    With museum


    High carat gold ring - reported as potential treasure to museum

    2.05g, 27.17mm -

    Nov 2024

    With museum


    Early hand eteched and punched pure gold ring - reported to museum as treasure

    1.69g,22.9mm L x 0.95mm T

    Nov 2024

    With museum



    25 BC Clacton Cross type, ABC 2356, the companion quarter to British F, the Late Clacton stater, ABC 2332. In ABC it's illustrated as a 'three men in a boat' design but the obverse is probably a degraded boar ; at the moment there are around 30 known, mostly from Essex and Suffolk so it's a definite Trinovantian type.

    1.37g, 12.7mm

    Nov 2024

    With museum

    Pending 1300 BC deorcated gold band

    March 2024

    With museum



    Facinationg medieval gold find - reported to museum as treasure

    1.38g, 16.17mm L x 12.58 W

    March 2024

    With museum



    45 BC to 25BC Addedomarus

    10-40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold stater - biga type

    March 2024

    With museum


    45 BC to 25BC Addedomarus Celtic gold stater- Trinovantian tribe - reported to museum as hoard addendum

    5.52g, 16.84mm

    Addedomarus (sometimes written Aθθedomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC. His name is known only from his inscribed coins, the distribution of which seem to indicate that he was the ruler of the Trinovantes.

    March 2024

    returned to finder

    Pending 17thC silver bodkin needle

    March 2024

    With museum

    Complete Ancient gold sheet - 0.5g, 9.28mm L x 073mm T


    returned to finder

    Complete Ancient gold strip

    3.01g, 62.4mm L x 4.6mm W x 0.85mm T

    Sept 2023

    returned to finder


    Gold spoil probably 6th C - reported as treasure to museum

    13.7g, 16.09 mm L x 1.39 mm T

    Sept 2023

    returned to find


    1650 AD enamelled gold posy ring

    'I am but a token'

    1.73g, 15mm

    Sept 2023

    with museum

    Disclaimed 16th C Tudor gilded silver clothing fastener

    Sept 2023

    disclaimed returned to finder


    Early medieval bevelled plain gold ring - no hallmarks

    1.81g, 18.96mm

    Sept 2023

    disclaimed returned to finder


    1300 BC gold armlet ring

    6.42g, 14.22mm dia, 5.66mm T

    Sept 2023

    with museum


    Medieval gold ring with ruby - reported as treasure to museum

    1.835g, 24.29mm

    Sept 2023

    with museum

    Completed Record ID: ESS-9FFB18
    Object type: COIN HOARD
    Broad period: EARLY MEDIEVAL
    County: Essex
    Workflow stage: Published Find published
    Description: Early Medieval coin hoard of 5 sceattas No. Description Dimensions 1 Sceat of Series D (BMC Type 2c), obverse illegible; reverse with cross pattée with pellets in angles, cross pattée above, annulet below, letters around + II [ ] OIVV. Diameter 12.0mm, weight 1.09g 2 Sceat of Series E, variety G1, obverse with quilled object, coiled right, triangular head without pellet eye, rectangular box enclosing an X and a bar in front, other pellets in field; reverse …
    Created on: Wednesday 16th December 2020
    Last updated: Monday 13th March 2023
    Oct 2020 Returned to finders


    Saxon sceat hoard




    An incomplete silver cufflink element (Lewis Form 1, Type B) of post-medieval date (c.1625-1725)


    Oct 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Completed An incomplete silver cufflink element (Lewis Form 1, Type B) of post-medieval date (c.1625-1725)

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Completed 17th C silver seal matrix

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder



    50 BC Middle Whaddon Chase stater Celtic gold full stater Obv cross of 3 plain & 2 pellet lines with 2 opposed crescents b in centre
    Rev horse r ., above pellet in ring, pellet in wheel below
    Middle Whaddon Chase stater, VA 1491, BMC 343, ABC 2240. An extremely rare type, only 7 others known, very nice to see another one. This one seems to be from the same obverse die as 95.2630, same rev as CR 116, 2011, no. 32. Reverse similar to early staters of Addedomaros but an uninscribed type, much rarer.

    John Sills

    2023 March

    returned to finder


    C18thC - reported as potential treasure

    'A true friends gift'

    No hallmark - marker mark ?EM

    2.87g, 17.53mm

    Record ID: ESS-E9708D

    2023 March

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    10-40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold qtr stater- reported to museum

    1.424g, 11.04mm

    Linear type - Corn ear with central stalk- CA to L,MV to R

    Horse with ladder mane, branch above

    Classed as rare ABC2810

    2023 March

    Returned to finder

    Complete Gold casting waste - 2.94g, 16mm L


    Returned to finder


    1300 BC Gold wrist Torc fragment

    8.1g, 35mm L x 4.9mm dia

    2023 April

    returned to finder


    8-13 AD Celtic gold Cunobelin qtr stater- Bigga type

    1.35g, 11.49mm

    2023 March

    Disclaimed - returned to finder

    Complete Gold casting waste


    Returned to finder


    Stunning pair of solid gold 1300 BC armlet rings - reported to museum as treasure

    16.42g - 16mm dia

    Feb 2023

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    Medieval silver ear wax scraper - reported as treasure to museum


    Sept 2022


    16th C Tudor gilded silver pin head - reported as treasure to museum

    4.89g, 12.17mm dia

    April 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    Agr- AD 35-43 Celtic gold qtr stater.

    Corn ear without central stalk, CAM to L,CVN to R, , Horse rearing r, dashes to main, branch above, cross below, A in ex.

    Extremely rare ref ABC 2999 Rudd 17.28

    Suggested AGR is a Roman name like Agrippa or Agrippina.

    12.36mm, 1.245g

    April 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Complete 16thC Tudor decorated silver fretwork pin head - reported as treasure to museum

    April 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    c. 20 BC-AD 10 Eastern uninscribed Celtic gold qtr stater of Dubnovellaunos


    Dubnovellaunos in Essex quarter, VA 1660, BMC 2442, ABC 2395

    April 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    10-40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold qtr stater - reported to museum

    Wild type - Corn ear without cental stork CA to l, MV to r.

    Horse r, dashes for mane, branch above, CVN below VA2015 Classed as Scarce

    1.366g, 10.89mm

    March 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    45BC Addedomaros Celtic gold stater - reported to museum

    5.5g, 16.67mm

    March 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Complete 17thC Charles II silver cuff links - reported as treasure to museum

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    Medieval gold ring with amethyst - contemporary crudely repaired - reported as treasure to museum


    Sept 2022

    Ancient gold sheet - reported as treasure to museum

    8.65g, 30.47mm L x 20.93mm W x 1.39mm T

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    Facinating gold find - what looked initially like a Georgian bezel when blown up looks a lot earlier in date - sent to museum for their views

    1.2g, 20.82mm

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    10-40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold stater - reported to museum

    5.5g, 17.97mm

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    Ancient gold nugget - reported as treasure to museum

    0.61g, 7.70 mm L

    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    10-40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold qtr stater - sent to museum for recording


    Sept 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Complete 16thC gilded silver ring - reported to museum

    Oct 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    50 BC Addedomarus Celtic gold stater - reported to museum

    Addedomarus (sometimes written Aθθedomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC.


    Oct 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    10-40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold stater - reported to museum

    5.36g, 19mm

    Oct 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    A near complete gold finger ring (mourning) of post-medieval date (c.1650-1720). Description: The ring is circular in plan, although now slightly bent out of shape, and broadly D-shped in cross-section with a prominent central ridge across the circumference. The top and bottom edges of the band are also raised, creating grooves between these and the central ridge. These grooves have traces of or black enamel inlay. The interior surface is smooth.  Measurements: length: 20.5mm; width: 2.2mm; thickness: 1.3mm; weight: 2.06g Discussion: Finger rings with raised ridges an…
    Created on: Thursday 16th March 2023

    2.08g, 21mm dia



    Oct 2022 Disclaimed returned to finder



    Saxon Gold bead

    1.1g,10mm L

    Oct 2022

    Aquired by musuem


    50 BC Gallo Belgic Celtic gold stater - reported to museum

    6.11g,18.0 mm

    Oct 2022

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    45BC Addedomaros Celtic gold stater


    March 2022

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    45 BC to 25BC Addedomarus Celtic gold stater - Trinovantian tribe

    5.52g, 18.37mm

    Addedomarus (sometimes written Aθθedomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC.

    Oct 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver pendant - reported as treasure to museum

    Oct 2021

    Reported as treasure

    Complete 16thC Tudor gilded silver pendant - reported as treasure to museum

    Oct 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Complete 17thC Charles II silver button - reported to museum as treasure

    Oct 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Complete 17thC Charles 1st silver pendant

    Oct 2019

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Medieval gilded silver ring fragment

    2020 T1027

    Oct 2019

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Celtic gold qtr stater - 11.11 mm,1.32g - Sent to museum for recording

    looks like a

    Northern Gold 'Linear type' - pellet over M

    Obv corn ear,to 1 CA, to r.MV

    Rev horse r ., pellet, leaf q & pellet, below CVN, pellet boarder va

    Oct 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Celtic gold qtr stater - 9.45 mm,1.26g - Sent to museum for recording

    Cunobelin wild type quarter, VA 1935, ABC 2813

    Oct 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    5 BC to 25BC Addedomarus Celtic gold stater - Trinovantian tribe -Sent to museum for recording

    5.43g, 19mm dia

    Addedomarus (sometimes written Aθθedomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC.

    March 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    45 BC to 25BC Addedomarus Celtic gold stater - Trinovantian tribe

    5.55g, 17mm dia

    Addedomarus (sometimes written Aθθedomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC.

    March 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Hoard coin - 19


    Reported as hoard addendum coin to museum


    March 2021

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    70BC Morini Celtic gold qtr stater - sent to museum for recording


    Feb 2020


    Returned to finder

    Closed 17thC Charles II silver button - reported as treasure to museum

    Feb 2020


    Returned to finder


    45 BC Addedomarus Celtic gold full stater - reported as hoard addendum coin to museum

    5.44g, 17mm

    Feb 2020


    Returned to finder


    10- 40 AD Cunobelin Celtic gold qtr stater -reported as hoard addendum coin to museum


    Feb 2020


    Returned to finder


    45 BC Addedomarus Celtic gold full stater - reported as hoard addendum coin to museum


    Feb 2020


    Returned to finder

    Complete Roman silver hoard 2020 Feb Disclaimed and returned to finders





    Interesting silver ring with what looks like a rock crystal - 3.66g, 31mm long

    Inscribed 'JH 1521

    The ring is inscribed from Henry VIII period - reported as treasure to museum.

    March 2020


    Returned to finder


    25 BC Clacton Cross type, ABC 2356, the companion quarter to British F, the Late Clacton stater, ABC 2332. In ABC it's illustrated as a 'three men in a boat' design but the obverse is probably a degraded boar ; at the moment there are around 30 known, mostly from Essex and Suffolk so it's a definite Trinovantian type.


    Reported to museum and CCI


    Sept 2019


    Returned to finder


    25BC Eastern uninscribed Celtic gold qtr stater of Dubnovellaunos

    Reported to museum and CCI


    Sept 2019


    Returned to finder


    10-40 AB Cunobelin Celtic gold stater - sent to museum and CCI for recording


    Sept 2019



    Early 70BC uninscribed 'Q' Gold - 'Remi 'Type Celtic gold qtr stater

    Possible Maldon wheel - reported to museum and CCI


    Sept 2019



    Interesting bright yellow hinged bezel with blue and yellow stones/enamel

    Sent off to museum for their views

    0.76g, 17.5mm H

    Sept 2019


    Pending 10-40 AB Cunobelin Celtic gold staters

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending 17thC Charles 1st silver button - reported as treasure to museum

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending Medieval silver annular brooch - reported as treasure to museum

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    16thC silver ring - reported as treasure to museum - Greek Cross like on Elizabeth 1st hammered silver coins


    Sept 2019ept 2020

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    1100 to 1300 BC gold torc reported as treasure


    Sept 2019

    Currently with British museum

    Pending 16thC gilded silver clothing fastener - reported as treasure to museum

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending 16thC Tudor silver mount - reported as treasure to museum

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending 17thC Charles 1st silver button - reported as treasure to museum

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    C600 -775 Saxon silver sceat hoard coin 13 - reported as hoard to museum


    Sept 2019

    C600 -775 Saxon silver sceat hoard coin 12 - reported as hoard to museum


    Sept 2019
    Pending Roman silver hoard addendum coin reported to museum

    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum


    Roman silver hoard coin 52 & 53 - two coins stuck together- reported to museum as hoard

    7.16g, 17.9mm

    Commodus, 177-192 A.D. AR denarius, Mint of Rome
    Obv: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT laureate head of Commodus right

    Plautilla (wife of Caracalla, 202-205) AR denarius
    Obv: PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE draped bust of Plautilla right
    Good luck with the digging


    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum


    Roman silver hoard coin 51 - reported to museum as hoard


    Geta, Caesar, A.D. 198-209, Mint of Rome, A.D. 208
    Obv: P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES bare-headed, draped bust of Geta right, seen from behind
    Rx: PONTIF COS II Geta, togate, standing left holding globe and rod
    RIC IV 61b; RSC 117

    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum


    Roman silver hoard coin 50 - reported to museum as hoard

    3.10, 18.35mm

    VESPASIAN, A.D. 69-79, AR denarius, Mint of Rome, A.D. 70
    Obv:  IMP VESPASIANVS AVG laureate head of Vespasian right

    Rx: COS ITER FORD RED Fortuna standing left holding prow and cornucopiae
    (Old RIC II 4) RIC II 19; RSC 84

    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum


    Roman silver hoard coin 49 - reported to museum as hoard

    3.07g, 19.24mm

    Geta, Caesar, A.D. 198-209, Mint of Rome, A.D. 206
    Obv: P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES bare-headed, draped bust of Geta right, seen from behind
    Rx: PROVID DEORVM Providentia standing left holding rod and scepter, globe at feet.
    RIC IV 51; RSC 170

    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum


    Roman silver hoard coin -Septimius Severus, 198-209 AD.


    Hoard coin addendum number 48 - reported to museum

    Septimius Severus, AR denarius, Mint of Rome, A.D. 201

    Obv. SEVERVS PIVS AVG laureate head of Septimius Severus right                             
    Rx: PART MAX TR P VIIII two bound captives seated back-to-back at foot of trophy between them
    RIC IV 153; RSC 370a.

    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum


    Interesting silver ring - Edward III type cross with 17thC lettering style - reported as treasure to museum

    Legend + FEARE GOD \\\\

    Sept 2019

    This is a facinating ring found in pond silt - Stone setting looks medieval with black sapphire , lettering looks more 17thC ?

    Reported as potential treasure to museum

    Legend - X ME MEN TO MO RI X

    Memento mori is a Latin phrase meaning ‘remember you must die’.

    1.79g, 22mm

    Sept 2019



    Ancient bright yellow gold band - very interesting concave inner to the ring and the pointed end - reported to museum as treasure

    It came from the field where we aslo found a 1300 BC Bronze Age tress gold ring treasure


    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending 17thC Charles II silver button - reported as treasure to museum

    March 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending 17thC Charles II silver button - reported as treasure to museum

    March 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending 15thC silver spoon handle - reported as treasure to museum

    March 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending Roman silver hoard coin addendum No47 -

    March 2019

    Acquired by museum

    This one is Caracalla, 198-217 A.D. AR denarius, Mint of Rome, 199 A.D.
    Obv: ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS laureate youthful head of Caracalla right
    Rx: SEVERI PII AVG FIL Caracalla in military garb standing facing, head left, holding Victory and spear, bound Parthian captive at his feet
    RIC IV 45; RSC 589



    70 BC Morini Celtic gold qtr stater- reported as hoard addendum to museum - tiny undersized coin

    0.76g, 10.19mm

    As you say, it's a standard Gallo-Belgic D type from the early Gallic War period.  I think the clue to its very low weight probably lies in the very irregular flan, which suggests that it was either struck on an abnormal, mis-shapen blank, not intended for use, or that it has been clipped in antiquity to illegally siphon off gold, much as medieval silver was clipped.  Difficult to be sure but clipping is more likely,

    All the best

    CCI 19.1419

    March 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    70 BC Morini Celtic gold qtr stater- reported as hoard addendum to museum


    CCI 19.1420.

    Best Wishes


    March 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    C600 -775 Saxon silver sceat hoard addendum coin 11 - reported as hoard to museum


    March 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No45 - reported to museum


    Feb 2019

    Acquired by museum

    Commodus. Son of Marcus Aurelius, his sole reign marked the end of the era of “The Good Emperors”. He slowly went crazy, and by the end of his reign/life had convinced himself he was the reincarnation of Hercules and was regularly fighting wild beasts in the arena. This was not considered correct or appropriate behavior for an emperor, to say the least – plus he was an all-around shit to everyone, highly paranoid, and tended to have any foe, real or imagined, executed. He was portrayed, extremely inaccurately from an historical standpoint, as the main antagonist in the movie “Gladiator”. They made him evil enough, but nowhere nearly so bat-poo unhinged as he was in real life.
    It’s a very interesting reverse – a far more ambitious composition than one typically sees on a denarius – platform scenes are far more usually seen on sestertii.

    Commodus, sole reign, 180-192 A.D. AR denarius issued 186 A.D.
    Obv: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT laureate head of Commodus right
    Rx: FID EXERC (in exergue) P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P Commodus standing left on platform haranging three soldiers standing right before him; each holds a legionary eagle and shield.
    RIC III 130; RSC 143; SRCV 5639
    his reign came just before the beginning of the Severan dynastic era, so it’s in the right general time-frame for the hoard, so far.



    Continuing with the theme of less-than-pleasant emperors:
    This is Caracalla – son of Septimius Severus - also a feared, as well as probably deranged character. He was somewhat successful in terms of military conquests, but more typically by means of subterfuge, like inviting the opposing king and generals to a treaty parlay and killing them all as he did with the Parthians. He also introduced the debased silver double-denarius denomination we call “antoninianus”, a 2-denarius coin with 1.5 denarii worth of silver in it, setting the stage for the massive debasements of the later 3rd century.

    Caracalla (198-217 AD), as co-emperor with Septimius Severus, 198-209 AD. AR denarius, issued 207 AD.
    Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG laureate head of Commodus right.

    Rx: PONTIF TR P X COS II securitas enthroned right, at her ease in seat with cornucopiae as arms; head propped on right hand, holding scepter with left; small altar before her.
    RIC IV 92; RSC 434; SRCV 6863


    Pending 50 BC late British G 'Early Clacton' gold stater - reported to museum as hoard addendum

    Feb 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    45 BC to 25BC Addedomarus - Trinovantian tribe- reported as hoard addendum


    Oct 2018

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No44

    3.22g, 19.13g

    Oct 2018

    Acquired by museum


    C600 -775 Saxon silver sceat hoard coin

    10 Coins

    Oct 2018

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No42


    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No43

    3.30g, 19mm

    Oct 2019

    Acquired by museum

    Nerva, 96-98 AD. AR denarius, Mint of Rome, Jan-Sept 97 AD
    Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P  laureate head of Nerva right.
    Rx: CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM  clasped right hands.
    RIC 14, RSC 20.


    Caracalla, 198-217 AD. AR denarius, Mint of Rome, 205 AD.
    Obv: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG laureate and draped bust of young Caracalla right, seen from behind
    Rx: PONTIF P M TR P VIII COS II Salus enthroned left feeding serpent arising from altar
    (If this is correct identification) RIC 82; RSC 422.



    Pure gold ancient ring

    11.22g, 25.64mm

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Pending Monster ancient gold ingot - 81.54g,40.82mm L, 21.05mm W, 10.02mm T

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    Treasure Case: 2018 T901
    Gold Ingot from LB

    PAS reference: ESS-D8C598
    Finder: Tim B
    Date of Discovery: 26.1.2018
    Circumstances of Discovery: Metal detecting.
    Date: Late Roman -Early Medieval.
    Description: A Gold Ingot that is oval in plan and semi-circular in cross section flattening out towards the ends.
    Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analysis of a gold ingot from Essex indicated a surface composition of approximately 94-95% gold, 4-6% silver, the rest being copper.
    Dimensions: The ingot is 40.85mm long, 20.94mm wide and 10.03mm at it’s thickest point. It weighs 81.16g.
    Discussion: This is the second largest gold ingot found in isolation recorded on the database.
    Although it is difficult to be certain, the ingot conforms in weight to one quarter of a Roman pound (c. 327.45g). In addition, it shares similarities with ingots that have been found within hoards dating to the late Roman period, in particular a silver ingot in the Whorlton-by-Guisborough hoard, Yorkshire (Wiegels 2003, cat. 30).
    There are several similarly shaped examples on the database to this item although the interpretation of their date varies. For example many (GLO-64767B, SF-DACA35 and NMS-23FFF2) are thought to be Early Medieval in date and so classed as treasure due to the presence of transverse hammer marks which is suggested to be a feature that occurs only occasionally on silver and gold ingots in England and can be paralleled in the Cuerdale, Lancashire, hoard deposited around AD 905. Similarly other broadly domed examples without these hammer marks are also attributed to the Early Medieval period (KENT-B43CF3, DENO-938F3D, YORYM-7706AD and NCL-A04B68).
    Yes there are also many examples which are highlighted as not being possible to date (HAMP-5015EC, HAMP-8593E7, YORYM-89E4AD and KENT-B1B4B9) highlighting that while gold and silver ingots are frequently presumed to be of Viking origin as the Vikings operated a bullion economy most in context examples have hammer marks. This example weighing 81.16 grams is similar to 3 times a Viking ounce (c.27 grams) such that it may be appropriate to suggest this represents an ingot.
    Conclusion: In terms of age and precious metal content, this artefact qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996 - Subject to Coroner's Inquest.
    Reference: Wiegels, R. 2003. Silberbarren der römischen Kaiserzeit. Liedorf.

    Report by: Colin Rose. PAS Volunteer.
    Checked by Sophie Flynn, Essex FLO
    Contributors: Dr Edward Caswell, Finds Liaison Officer, Oxfordshire; Richard Hobbs, British, Europe & Prehistory, The British Museum
    Edits: British Museum Treasure Team



    Pure gold medieval gold ring with red stone

    0.98g, 13.69mm L

    Sept 2019

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    Mint Roman silver hoard coin addendum No37

    3.23, 17mm

    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No38

    Hoard 38 – 2.87g, 18mm

    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No39

    Hoard 39 -3.06g, 20mm

    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No40 - reported to museum

    3.17g, 19mm

    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No41


    Roman silver hoard coin addendum No36 - reported to museum


    Sept 2019

    Acquired by museum

    Super Lucilla – that’s the way you’d like to see them come out of the ground, no doubt. This one’s so nice I don’t need to scare-up a photo of a decent specimen – this photo does the job!

    AR Denarius, Mint of Rome, c. A.D. 164-166
    Obv: LVCILLAE AVG ANTONINI AVG F draped bust of Lucilla right
    Rx: VESTA Vesta standing facing, head left, pouring ritual libation from simpulum (ceremonial ladle) over lighted altar at her feet and holding Palladium.
    RIC III 788; RSC 92


    Geta, Caesar, 198-209. AR denarius, Mint of Rome 203 AD
    Obv: L SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES bare-headed draped bust of Geta seen from behind
    Rx: FELICITAS TEMPOR Felicitas standing facing, head left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae.
    RIC IV 9a, RSC 38a

    Julia Domna (W. of Sept. Severus) 193-217, AR denarius, Mint of Rome, 208 AD.
    Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA draped bust of Julia Domna right    
    Rx: HILARITAS Hilaritas standing facing, head left, holding palm-branch; between two naked children
    RIC 559, RSC 79

    Geta, Caesar, 198-209, silver denarius, Mint of Rome, 206 AD.
    Obv: P SEPIMIVS GETA CAES draped, bare-headed bust of Geta right seen from behind
    Rx: PROVID DEORVM Providentia standing facing, head left, holding rod and scepter (the scepter looks like a cornucopiae on the coin due to a die flaw, but it’s a scepter) globe at feet.
    RIC 51; RSC 170


    That seems to be from the earlier range of the coins in the hoard I helped you with ID’s on last year.
    Antoninus Pius, 138-161
    AR Denarius, Mint of Rome, A.D. 159/60 (dated)
    Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIII laureate head of Antoninus Pius right   
    Rx: FELIC SAEC COS III Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and leaning on column.

    RIC III 298; C 360.
    This is a common type and one which is repeated in several consecutive years later in his reign. You are lucky to have nearly 100% legible legends here as it might have been a bit more involved guesswork to figure out what was happening on the reverse if the legend were not so clear.
    Unfortunately I have no prepared photos of my own of anything even particularly similar for comparison’s sake – but this is from acsearch:
    Pending Siver braclet Sept 2019


    2ndC Roman silver hoard addendum coin



    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Disclaimed 17thC Charles II silver button

    Sept 2018

    Disclaimed and returned to finder




    Celtic gold votive offering as ring money - disclaimed

    Gold ring money- 1st C BC
    Smooth ring with blunt ends Van Arsdell 1-3 Taylor pl33 Hobbs-- SCBS-- CE4244

    6.86g, 32mm L

    Disclaimed and return to finder

    Ancient looking bright yellow rolled gold sheet reported as potential treasure to museum

    3.11g,17.38mm L x 3.47mm T

    March 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Ancient looking bright yellow rolled gold sheet reported as potential treasure to museum

    3.11g,17.38mm L x 3.47mm T


    1623 silver hawking ring


    Thomas Playters.Eq

    March 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    1623 silver hawking ring


    Thomas Playters.Eq

    The Playters Baronetcy, of Sotterley in the County of Suffolk, was a title in the Baronetage of England. It was created on 13 August 1623 for Thomas Playters and was one of the last baronetcies created by King James I.[1] The second Baronet was Vice-Admiral of Suffolk between 1640 and 1649.[2] The fifth Baronet served as High Sheriff of Suffolk in 1728. The title became extinct on the death of the eighth Baronet in 1832

    Disclaimed 16thC Tudor gilded silver clothing fastener

    May 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Saxon hammered silver penny

    1016 AD Cnut's Short Cross type, probably from York, with a mint signature that might be read as [  ]RPI.

    March 2018

    Reported as hoard addendum to museum

    Disclaimed and return to finder


    2 - 45 BC Adde Celtic gold full staters

    1 - 25 BC Dubnovellaunos Cleitc gold qtr stater

    March 2018

    Reported as hoard addendum to museum

    Returned to finder

    Pending 70BC Morini boat tree Celtic gold qtr

    March 2018

    Reported as hoard addendum to museum

    Returned to finder


    35th Roman silver coin hoard

    (not all showing)

    May 2018

    Reported as hoard addendum to museum

    Acquired by museum


    34 Roman silver coin hoard

    (not all showing)

    Feb/March 2018

    Reported as hoard to museum

    Acquired by museum


    Disclaimed 16thC Tudor gold ring

    March 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Returning to finder

    Disclaimed 17thC Charles II silver button

    March 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Returning to finder



    Celtic gold qtr stater


    50 - 20 BC Essex Wheels quarter, VA 260, BMC 485 and 496, ABC 2231

    Feb 2018

    Reported as hoard addendum to museum

    Returned to finder


    Scottish medieval hammered coin star design gold chain

    Total weight of 3 links 1.58g

    Feb 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Returning to finder


    16thC Tudor gilded silver clothing fastener

    2018 T455

    Feb 2018

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Returning to finder

    Disclaimed 16thC Tudor silver mount

    Oct 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Returning to finder


    5thC Roman silver coin used by the Saxons to resemble a sceat and used as a pendant

    Sent to Mark Lehman for his ID

    I told you I’d get back to you on this one – so far as I can determine from the very few legible letters, this is a siliqua of Gratian, 367-383 AD, the obverse legend should be [D N] GRATIA[NVS P F AVG]. The reverse type is VRBS ROMA with Roma enthroned left holding Victory. The mint mark is fairly unclear, but I think it may be AQP[S] for the mint at Aquilea.
    Having two holes would tend to indicate that this piece needed to be “fixed” in its position, but the orientation of neither the obverse nor reverse seems to have been of importance. The holes are pretty large and silver coins were used a lot less often for this, but coins so holed could be sewn to a leather jerkin for a bit of DIY “scale” armor. Or perhaps it was part of a bit of jewelry of some sort which needed to attach at two points as part of a necklace or bracelet.

    Oct 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Aquired by museum


    Ancient gold item

    14mm W, 0.75g

    Oct 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum


    Pending 17thC silver button

    Oct 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Pending Silver Roman coins

    Oct 2017

    Reported as hoard to museum

    Acquired by museum



    c20 AD Cunobelin gold qtr stater - linear series


    Oct 2017

    Reported as hoard addendum to museum



    Facinating Celtic gold qtr find that appears to be a 70BC Morini boat tree type but it is not.It is underweight by 0.5g and debased gold.

    Morini's are typically pure gold and 1.44g,10.5mm

    It is possibly the earliest British Celtic gold coin example



    Oct 2017

    Reported as hoard to museum

    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver ring fragment


    Reported as treasure to museum


    Interesting gilded silver mount fragment

    Initial musuem ID as late medieval


    Reported as treasure to museum



    Medieval silver annular brooch

    2.07g, 26.5mm dia


    Reported as treasure to museum

    Disclaimed by museum


    16thC Tudor gold and silver pin head

    3.05g,10mm dia


    Reported as treasure to museum

    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver clothing fitting

    June 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum


    Saxon silver penny fragment

    1016 AD Cnut Short Cross, Dover, moneyer Edwine or Leofwine

    May 2017

    Reported to museum as hoard addendum

    Pending 17thC button

    May 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum


    70 BC Morini Celtic gold qtr stater



    March 2017

    Reported to museum as hoard addendum


    Early medieval gold ring


    March 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Addedomaros 45BC Celtic gold stater

    5.48g, 17.73mm

    March 2017

    Reported to museum as hoard addendum

    Pending 17thC Charles II silver button

    March 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum


    17th/18thC gold posy ring - Great mis spelling

    '*LOVE . TO. BE. LOVEED'


    Gold finger ring with chased inscription on inner band. The band is D shaped in section.

    The inscription is in English and reads * LOVE . TO . BE . LOVED ED. The script is stylistically similar to inscriptions known from the 16th century. In general Roman capitals began to be used for inscriptions on posy rings from the mid-16th century, italics becoming more popular by the mid-17th century (Oman, C. (1974). British rings 800-1914 p. 40 - 41). There is no maker's mark.

    Dimensions: Weight: 3.46g, outer diameter: 19.7mm, band width: 5.1mm, band thickness: 0.8mm

    Similar examples of posy rings with roman capital inscriptions can be found on the database and have been declared Treasure. See LANCUM-AC5027, SUSS-C86B41, NMS-EE2A25. These examples were all dated to the 16th century.

    March 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum


    Treasure case tracking number: 2017T257


    Ancient gold sheet - hatch decoration - possible cup fragment


    March 2017

    Reported as treasure to museum

    Discalimed and reurned to finder

    Closed Iron Age, mid-2nd century BC
    Probably made in northern France or Belgium

    March 2017

    Reported to museum as hoard addendum

    Discalimed and reurned to finder

    Pending Celtic gold Cunobelin stater - 'linear' series, VA 1925-1.

    Feb 2017

    Reported to museum as hoard addendum



    50 BC Trinovantes British British G 'Early Clacton' gold stater

    Debased gold

    Feb 2017

    Reported to museum as hoard addendum

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    17th/18thC gold posy ring with inscription

    'God alone made us tivo one' ( God made us to two be one ?)

    Maker RD

    7.51g, 22.68mm

    A Complete Gold Finger Ring (posy) of Post-Medieval date (AD 1650-1800). The band is 'D' shaped in cross section with a plain outer face and inscribed inner band. The inner inscription reads: "God : alone : made : us : two : One" this ring has the florid lettering in use in the late 17th and early 18th century. Makers mark CR in double circle after inscription; the mark does not appear to be recorded in the standard reference works, and so it is not possible to confirm that the ring pre-dates 1716.


    March2017 Reported to museum as potential treasure




    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    c13thC medieval gold annular brooch

    +AMOR VINCIT OMNIA -(Love Conquers All)

    2.55g, 18mm dia

    Sept 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Aquired by museum


    Medieval inscribed gold ring - no hall marks
    'IIIy GOD is al '“My God is al[l]”.
    22mm dia,2.80g

    A complete gold engraved posy finger ring of probable medieval date. The band if flat and the outside is engraved with intermittent floral sprigs and words. The engraved flowers have four or five petals and leaves are sub ovoid in shape. The inscription, written in English black letter, reads 'god* is* al* m*' which could be an abbreviation for 'god is almighty'.

    The ring is bent out of shape but is otherwise in good condition with little visible damage. There is no maker's mark.

    Similar rings are known from the V&A collection (7125-1860) and from the PAS database: SUSS-33DF0C (2016T889), NARC-067DD8 (2015T229), CORN-5482E1 (2014T211), DEV-742F63 (2006T52), all of which have been stylistically dated to the medieval period, c. 1400 - 1500.

    Sept 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Waiting for inquest

    Treasure case tracking number: 2016T357

    Unique ID: ESS-1C5EBE

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Pending 17thC Charles II silver button

    Sept 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    Pending 17thC Charles II silver button

    Oct 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver clothing fastener

    Sept 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Staggeringly beautiful 16thC Tudor gold key brooch

    1.80g, 36mm L

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed returned to finder


    Disclaimed 5 Saxon silver penny fragments

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Pending 50 +Mixed silver Roman and bronze hoard coins

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    With inquest



    Pending Neat 16thC Tudor looking gold on silver jewelery link piece

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    Late medieval or early Tudor decorated gold ball

    Huge gold treasure - Each decoratred 'tit' has a black emerald encapsualted in the tip. There is an opening for a needle or mounting point in one place on the item. This is too large to be a pin head - appears to be solid gold but there must be an inner core, possibly silver.

    It is 18.55 mm in dia and 6.3g in weight

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    17th/18thC jewellery item with blue stone - possible brooch - no hall marks

    2.65g, 14.87mm L

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed returned to finder



    Ancient gold finger ring - no hall marks

    0.40g, 17.25 mm

    March2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Disclaimed 50 Early Uninscribed gold stater - Clacton type

    Feb 2016 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Disclaimed 9 - 45 BC Addedomarus Celtic gold full staters

    Feb 2016 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    Pending 17thC silver button

    Feb 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Early silver scabbard decoration - not sure of date - reported to museum as treasure

    2.18g, 53mm wide x 42mm high

    Oct 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Medieval green stone gold ring - reported to museum as treasure


    Fragment of a medieval gold finger-ring. Only the bezel and shoulders survive, the remainder of the hoop is now missing. The oval bezel is formed of two sections: the base in the 'pie-dish' style with a crimped edge, and the upper section or collet, which is concave in profile. The bezel contains a blue stone, probably a sapphire.
    See 2016 T863 and 2013 T520 for comparable rings.
    The ring dates to the 13th - early 14th century.

    Dimensions: max width:11.5mm; height of bezel: 8mm

    Oct 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-79057F

    Treasure case tracking number: 2016T42


    Medieval gold ring with black sapphire pushed inside

    22mm, 2.98g

    Description: A Medieval gold ring with rectangular bezel. The band is circular in shape. It has a circular section and is very narrow, thickening slightly before the bezel. The bezel is rectangular in plan and hexagonal in section, with a rectangular opening on the outer face. Within the opening is a blue stone setting of uncertain type.

    Dimensions: diameter: 17.13 mm; thickness of bezel: 1.63 mm; weight: 2.95g.

    Discussion: An identical example though in poorer condition is case 2016 T37. Rings of this type are believed to date from the 12th to 13th century AD.

    Oct 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    inquest requested



    PAS ESS-78D908

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Pending Medieval gilded silver mount

    Oct 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Pending 17thC silver seal matrix

    Oct 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Pending Pure ancient gold nugget - reported as potential treasure to museum - 1.09g

    Oct 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Unique ID: ESS-77F7D3

    Object type certainty: Certain
    Workflow status: Awaiting validation Find awaiting validation

    A Medieval gold ring with rectangular bezel. The band would have been circular in shape but is now distorted. It has a circular section and is very narrow, thickening slightly before the bezel. The bezel is rectangular in plan and hexagonal in section, with a rectangular opening on the outer face. Within the opening is a blue stone setting.

    Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analysis of the metal of a finger-ring from Tolleshunt Major, Essex, by the British Museum's Scientific Research section indicated a surface composition of approximately 77-78% gold, 13-14 % silver, the rest being copper. The stone was identified by Raman spectroscopy as corundum, which when blue is known as sapphire.

    Dimensions:diameter (distorted): 21.99 mm; thickness of bezel: 5.02 mm; weight: 1.84g.

    Sept 2015

    Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed returned to finder

    PAS ESS-77F7D3



    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    17th/18thC gold memorial ring - reported as treasure to museum

    2.20g, 21.98mm

    Inscription 'H obt 5th Sept 81'

    Maker RM

    Description: A gold finger ring that has been bent out of shape. The external face is undecorated and the band appears to have been slightly D-shaped in section. There is an inscription on the internal surface that reads: S H ob: 5 Sep : 81 ([initials] obiecit 5th Sep[tember 16]81 - SH died on the 5th September 1681). The inscriptions ends with an assay mark showing the letters RM within a rectangle.

    Dimensions: diameter: 21.98 mm; weight: 2.20g.


    April 2016 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-A036A4

    Treasure case tracking number: 2016T366


    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver ring Sept 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure



    Medieval gold finger ring - no marks

    1.99g, 28mm

    Sept 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Pending 2 - 17thC Charles II silver buttons Sept 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Stunning 14thC medieval gold ring

    1.26g, 20mm

    Lombardic script possibly Latin

    A medieval gold finger ring. The object has a flat band, slightly concave and with an engraved decoration on the outer surface. There is an inscription in black letter style writing, which reads tout mon coer (all my heart). Engraved between each word is a plant, resembling a palm or fern. The ring is slightly distorted with a small crack visible on the internal surface.

    Dimensions: diameter (distorted): 17.26 mm; thickness: 0.84 mm; weight: 1.23g.


    Sept 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Treasure case tracking number: 2016T38

    Unique ID: ESS-78515C


    Pending Medieval silver annular brooch March 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Celtic gold hoard addendum coins

    Morini and Clacton type qtrs

    March 2015 Reported to museum as hoard

    Medieval gilded silver

    13thC Lombardic script

    *Ihn + LLM

    2.3mm thick x 7.2mm W

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Returned to finder


    Saxon gold coin pendant

    1.35g, 15mm dia

    Dutch 700 AB coin

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Aquired by museum



    Aquired Possible medieval gilded silver heart - Lombardic script IHS

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Aquired by museum



    45 BC Addedomarus Celtic gold stater

    16.5mm, 5.48g

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    17th/18thC gold posy ring -


    26mm, 3.16g

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returning to finder



    Merovingian tremissis of the 7th century

    1.19g, 13.5mm

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Aquired by museum


    Anglo Saxon gold button with tiny stone inlays

    2.31g, 18.5mm dia

    March 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and Returned to finder

    Staffordshire hoard example of complete button


    A Medieval gold finger-ring, dating to the 14th century. The object has a thin, circular band which is elliptical in profile. There is an octagonal fluted bezel with a circular recess at the top for a stone setting, which is no longer present. The ring has been distorted slightly but has little other damage.

    An identical example, though with a stone setting still in place, is case 2003T231. This item was speculatively dated to the 14th century, based on a similar but not identical example in the British Museum's collections.

    Dimensions: diameter: 21.58 mm; thickness of bezel: 4.14 mm; weight: 1.96g.

    Feb 2015 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    PAS ESS-60B122



    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Pending Medieval silver 'clasped hands' ring - Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Pending 17thC Charles II silver button Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    1000 BC Ancient gold sheet

    5.23g, 14mm L

    Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Pending Medieval silver ring fragment with Lombardic script Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure
    Pending Late medieval silver fretwork pin Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure
    Pending 17thC Charles II silver stud

    Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Disclaimed Silver wire ring

    Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed post 1714

    Disclaimed Silver seal matrix

    Oct2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed post 1714

    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver clothing fastener

    Oct 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Pending 16thC Tudor gilded silver pin


    Oct 2014 Reported to museum as potentialtreasureCurrently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed Decorated gold stud

    Oct 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Ancient gold ingot

    3.37g, 12.5mm L

    Oct 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    16thC Tudor gilded silver pendant

    2.03, 19.17 mm H

    Oct 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    9th-10thC gold finger ring

    2.05g, 10.33mm W

    The ring consists of a gold sheet bezel of elongated lozenge-shape, which has been drawn into wires at each end. The ends of the wires are hooked, showing that they would originally have been twisted together, but the ring has been slightly flattened and the ends have sprung apart. The bezel has an internally toothed bordering groove, within which it is punch decorated above and below a short median ridge with two rows of single-pelleted, apex-to-apex triangles becoming two single triangles at the ends of the ridge, while groups of two or three triangles are squeezed into the narrow triangular shoulders beyond them. Length, 23.7mm; width, 10.4mm (max); weight, 2.0g.

    A gold ring of similar, though more ovoid, form from Beachamwell, Norfolk, was reported as Treasure in 2004 (Treasure Annual Report 2004, no. 86, where further parallels are noted). A narrower version from Whorlton, North Yorkshire, and a fragment of another, both also in gold, were reported in 2012 (2012/T497 - PAS SWYOR-56EA98; and 2012/T62 - PAS NMS-D7AC68) and a silver ring of the form from Wood Enderby, Lincolnshire, in 2011 (2011/T76; PAS NCL-90DD85). A number of related rings in non-precious metal are recorded on the database of the Portable Antiquities Scheme and for the type, see J. Graham-Campbell, 2011 (The Cuerdale Hoard and related Viking-Age silver and gold from Britain and Ireland in the British Museum, London, British Museum Press, 104-106). They date from the late 9th - 10th century.


    Oct 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Aquired by museum

    Unique ID: ESS-9CB5B8

    Treasure case tracking number: 2014T939

    Ascribed Culture: Viking
    Date from: Circa AD 800
    Date to: Circa AD 1000

    Pending Medeival silver cord end

    May 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Pending 16thc Tudor gilded silver jewelry link May 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    16 bronze and 1 silver coin

    Roman hoard


    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Multiple coins and finders

    Disclaimed 17thC silver button April 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
    Deposited 17thC Charles II silver button April 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
    Deposited Medieval gilded silver ring

    April 2014 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    16thC Tudor gilded silver ring

    23.18mm, 8.25g

    April 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    c 1500 AD- gold ring top with green stone


    April 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
    Disclaimed Ancient gold ingot - 1.36g, 14.74mm Gold coin blank March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Disclaimed Saxon silver pennys

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder




    70BC Morini Celtic gold qtr staters

    1.45g, 10.38mm

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder








    Disclaimed BC Celtic gold qtrs staters

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder



    ???? Early silver ring with rough cut diamonds

    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Deposited Celtic gold ingot - probably Clacton by by the impurities March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    16thC enamelled sectioned gilded silver top and solid gold decorated pendant

    Is it a fancy eye wax scraper by the bowl shaped end ??

    0.84g, 19.36mm L

    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
    Deposited 17thC Charles II silver button March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
    Deposited Medieval silver hooked mount March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    1000 BC Bronze Age gold Tress ring

    Complete with diamond shaped end knops

    3.12g,27.07mm long

    Crushed and distorted gold lock ring. Triangular in section, the ring has one plain sheet gold face and two faces comprising twisted gold wires probably joined by soldering (see scientific report). The sheet gold is folded at the terminals to form the side-plates. The ring is hollow.

    Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analysis of the surface of the wire lock ring by the British Museum's Scientific Research section indicated a surface composition for the sheet gold face of approximately 86% gold, 11% silver and 3% copper. The sheet gold is folded at its ends to form the triangular end-caps to the hollow ring. The item weighs 3.03 grams.

    XRF analysis of one of the wire faces of the lock ring side indicated a composition of approximately 85% gold, 11% silver, with approximately 4% copper. This minor difference from the other component is not great enough to prove the presence of a solder joining the wires but microscopic examination suggest that this may be the case: the diagonal grooves seen at intervals along the surface of the wires indicate that they were individually formed by twisting and the metal between the adjoining wires displays a dendritic structure indicating the metal between the wires was melted to create the join.

    A well known Late Bronze Age ornament type dating to circa 1000-750BC.


    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure

    Aquired by museum

    Unique ID: ESS-C0C162

    Treasure case tracking number: 2014T193


    Deposited 70BC Morini Celtic gold qtr staters

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Deposited Medieval silver finger ring with lombardic lettering - Edward III type initial mark

    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Deposited Medieval silver engraved band

    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    7th/18thC gold posy ring


    19.25mm dia, 3.69g

    Maker AW (Old English Script) No hall marks

    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    Tiny late medieval gilded silver ring top - Madonna bust ??

    9.86mm dia , 1.24g

    March 2014 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Deposited 70BC Celtic gold Morini qtr gold stater- sent to CCI for recording

    Feb 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    70BC Morini Boat Tree type Celtic gold qtr stater

    1.46g, 11.41mm


    Feb 2014 Reported to museum as potential hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Initially before I cleaned this token I thought of a 1640's Civil War siege token but this looks to be middle eastern in origin - sent of to the Fitzwilliam museum for their views, Crusades ?

    0.53g, 11.83mm x 14.02mm

    Feb 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


    Stunning pair of solid gold 1300 BC armlet rings

    7.06g, 9.25mm W x 11..45mm dia

    1. Ring. Gold ring appearing to have been soldered together from two separate bands. Both bands have a D-sectioned profile and their terminals overlap for c.2mm. There are a number of small scuffs and scratches to the surface of the ring.

    Dimensions: Width (of ring): 9mm; Width of individual band: 4.5mm; Diameter (ext.) (max.): 13.5mm; Diameter (ext.) (min.): 12mm; Diameter (int.): 9mm; Thickness: 1mm.

    2. Ring. Gold ring appearing to have been soldered together from two separate bands. Both bands have a D-sectioned profile, their terminals do not meet and are c.1mm apart.

    Dimensions: Width (of ring): 6mm; Width of individual band: 4.5mm; Diameter (ext.): 12mm; Diameter (int.): 10mm; Thickness: 1mm.

    Metal composition : Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analysis of the surface was undertaken by the Department of Conservation and Scientific Research (see attached report). It indicated a surface composition for the 2 strips of the larger ring (No. 1) of approximately 79-81% gold, 16-18 % silver, with approximately 3% copper. The 2 strips making up the smaller ring (No.2) have a slightly different composition of approximately 74-46% gold, 16-18% silver and at least 7% copper.

    Discussion: Other, similar, Middle Bronze Age composite gold rings are known from the Essex area, including the find from the 'Tendring area' (Treasure case: 2009 T524). Composite rings have been found singly and associated with other gold personal ornaments (e.g. from Windsor, Windsor and Maidenhead, Treasure case 2009 T755). They may also be found linked together in 'chain's, an example from Blinkbonny, Northumberland, includes five interlinked composite rings, although the Blinkbonny rings are more substantial (British Museum Reg. No. WG.21). In Britain they may be dated by association to the Middle Bronze Age (c.1500-1100 BC), probably more specifically the Penard phase of the Middle Bronze Age (c.1275 - 1140 BC) (Needham et al. 1997; cf. Roberts 2007). In common with some other gold ornament types of this period, they are also found in Ireland and France though they appear to be rarer in Ireland. The difference in the thickness and metal composition of the two rings from the 'Great Totham Area' suggests that they were not produced from the same band of gold.


    Needham, S. P., Bronk Ramsey, C, Coombs, D., Cartwright, C. & Pettitt, P. 1997. 'An Independent Chronology for British Bronze Age Metalwork: The Results of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Programme', Archaeological Journal, 154, 55-107

    Roberts, B. 2007. 'Adorning the living but not the dead: a reassessment of Middle Bronze Age ornaments in Britain', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 73: 135-67



    Feb 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Aquired by museum

    Unique ID: ESS-71DFE4

    Treasure case tracking number: 2014T169

    Date from: Circa 1300 BC
    Date to: Circa 1150 BC


    circa 8th/9thC Saxon decorated solid silver hooked fastener used on their leg bindings


    Discussion: Hooked tags are all-purpose fasteners, used to secure small bags or purses and also clothing. They occur in various forms from the late 8th century onwards,

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Donated to museum


    Circa 16thC decorated silver thimble - Inscription


    5.33G, 26mm H


    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Donated to museum


    Fascinating gold ring - no hall marks so could be early - 26 diamond/stones and 25 remain - one is loose as in the picture. They look like rough cut diamonds and all are different shapes. 16thC Tudor ??

    Under my microscope the settings look very early and I cannot clean it as the stones could dislodge - reported to the museum as treasure

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as 18thC


    17thC Tiny silver ring

    10mm dia ,0.72g

    Inscribed *Layer de la Hayer. in Essex

    March 2014 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Deposited Medieval silver and ruby ring

    Dec 2013 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Deposited 70- 50 BC Celtic gold qtr stater hoard

    Nov 2013 Reported to museum as potential hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Stunning c13thC medieval silver seal matrix - Crossed hands and flowers

    Lombardic lettering - Edward type E's and barred A's.

    Appears to be * E( ? AUI IDE( LI ?'

    Nov 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      16thC Tudor fretwork silver button

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Date: Medieval, 13th - 14th century

    Large Medieval knopped silver annular brooch - each knop is decorated with flowers

    2.8g, 30.58mm

    Unique ID: NMS-D2A387

    Similar to examples in Egan and Pritchard (2002, fig. 163 no. 1330 and 1333).

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Ancient gold ingot 11.7g, 34.99mm L - reported as treasure to museum

    Perfect weight to make 2 full Celtic gold staters

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


      17thC silver seal matrix - clasped hands and heart

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      Medieval silver annular brooch - reported as treasure to museum

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Medieval gold ruby ring -

    4 of the tiny rubies remain still captured in their settings

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


      16thC gilded silver religious ring
    + FERE GOD + (means fear god)
    4.6g, 21.05mm dia

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Pretty 18 carat emerald gold ring - no hall marks and each stone is a different shaped cut


    2.46g, 19.71mm

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder




    18 carat gold ring with rubies - no hall marks

    It could be a lot older than it looks so reported to museum as potential treasure

    3.76g, 4.16mm

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as post 1704



    17thC silver seal matrix - reported to museum as treasure

    Crown over Tudor rose

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    17thC silver seal matrix - reported to museum as treasure

    Crown over Tudor rose

      Medieval silver ring

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder





    Addedomarus 45BC Celtic gold full stater - sent to CCI for recording & reported as potential addition hoard to museum

    18.68mm, 5.61g

    Sept 2013 Reported to museum as hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder




    Addedomarus 45BC Celtic gold full stater - sent to CCI for recording & reported as potential addition hoard to museum

    17.98mm, 5.57g

    Sept 2013 Reported to museum as hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


      17th/18thC possible 1.25 carat 'Mine cut' diamond gold ring - reported as potential treasure 4.17g, 17.64 mm dia

    Sept 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder




    Stunning large gilded silver medieval decorated silver finger ring

    7.26g, 23.59mm

    May 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Saxon gold ingot

    3.21g, 8.43mm dia

    March 2013 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


      16thC gilded silver Tudor clothing fastener

    March 2013 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Aquired by museum

      Roman gold earing ?

    April 2013 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as post 1704


    This is a very early piece of gold jewelry as what looked initially gold plated is actually solid gold and the black crust matches the growth recently found on low grade Celtic gold coins.

    I exposed small parts of the black to reveal the gold but cannot clean it up any further as treasure has to sent to the museum in as dug condition.

    Putting it under a scope you can clearly see where a central intaglio or similar was probably fitted.

    One for the museum experts but what a great find - At a guess I would vote Roman and possibly an ear ring.

    1.28g, 20.69mm L

      Queen Anne silver button

    Feb 2013 Reported to museum as hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder - donated to museum

      17thC Charles II seal matrix

    Feb 2013 Reported to museum as hoard

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      Possible Tudor silver mount Feb 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC gilded silver clothing fastener

    April 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


      Silver button face with Tudor rose design

    April 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as post 1704

      Very unusual silver pin - possibly late medieval April 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2013 Hoard 1

    Addedomarus 45BC Celtic gold full stater hoard

    2 coins

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    2013 Hoard 2

    Mixed 70 BC Morini/Clacton type Celtic gold hoard

    7 coins

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process




    2013 Hoard 3

    Addedomarus 45BC Celtic gold full stater hoard

    2 coins

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    2013 Hoard 4

    Mixed 70 BC Gallo Belgic/Clacton/ North Thames gold stater hoard

    7 coins

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    April 2013 single coin added



    2013 Hoard 5

    Addedomarus 45BC Celtic gold full stater hoard

    2 coins

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    2013 Hoard 6

    Mixed 5thC Roman silver and bronze hoard added to addendum of existing reported haord

    Treasure number of 2012 T729

    (13 coins )

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

      Saxon gold 'Flat type' pin head back

    March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Disclaimed as post 1704


      17thC Charles II silver button March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Tudor gold oin head ? March 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process




    Large 16thC Tudor gilded silver clothing fastener

    9.27g, 28.53mm L

    Oct 2013 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Treasure number for this is 2012 T743

      4th/5th C Roman silver coin hoard Oct 2012 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    I have assigned these coins the Treasure number of 2012 T729

      16thC gold on silver Tudor mount

    Oct 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Treasure number for this is 2012 T734

      16thC gold on silver Tudor mount

    Oct 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Treasure number for this is 2012 T733

      Medieval silver annular brooch

    Sept 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

      Ecclesiastical 17thC silver seal matrix Sept 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Treasure number for this is 2012 T707


      17thC silver nipple button April 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      decorated silver hooked mount April 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Medieval silver annular brooch April 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC Charles II silver button April 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC Charles II silver button March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Plain medieval gold ring

    2.37g, 22.16mm

    Undiagnostic, plain and distorted gold ring. In its current condition it measures 22.10mm by 17.01mm, is 1.70mm thick and weighs 2.35 grams.

    The find was examined by British Museum curators Judy Rudoe, Ben Roberts and Julia Farley, who all determined it was undiagnostic and undatable.


    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-886A60


    Merovingian tremissis of the 7th century

    Saxon gold coin - this is part of an existing hoard and reported as hoard to the museum

    Sent to Fitzwilliam museum for ID and recording

    1.18g, 11.73mm, totally different from the others

    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Merovingian tremissis of the 7th century

    Saxon gold coin - this is part of an existing hoard and reported as hoard to the museum

    Sent to Fitzwilliam museum for ID and recording

    1.18g, 11.73mm


    Merovingian tremissis of the 7th century

    Saxon gold coin - this is part of an existing hoard and reported as hoard to the museum

    Sent to Fitzwilliam museum for ID and recording

    1.30g, 10.21mm, totally different from the others

    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    Pure gold pendant - twister wire is Roman style and the knops are Tudor but the missing stone fittings a look Georgian.

    At guess I would say 16th/17thC

    1.45g, 14.72mm

    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Stunning pure gold pendant - twister wire is Roman style and the knops are Tudor but the missing stone fittings a look Georgian.

    At guess I would say 16th/17thC - reported to Colchester museum as treasure and their experts will ID

    1.45g, 14.72mm


    17th/18thC gold posy ring - reported as treasure to museum


    Brilliant misspelled inscription



    Date: 17th - 18th Century

    Description: gold posy ring, large heavy D-shaped, with inscription engraved in lower case on inside:

    As I expect soe let me find

    A faithfull friend and a constant mind

    Stamped with maker's mark BA in capitals in a rectangle, this mark does not appear on any ring in the British Museum and has not so far been identified.

    Dimensions: Weight: 7.4g, Diameter: 22.11mm, Width: 4.40mm, Thickness: 1.94mm

    Discussion: Joan Evans records a version of this inscription with heart instead of friend, in books of lovers compliments, of 1685 and 1715.

    In view of this, the ring may date to 18th Century and there is not enough evidence to confirm that it is pre 1712.

    The ring cannot be securely dated to pre-1712 and as such falls outside the provisions of the Treasure Act 1996.

    Judy Rudoe

    British Museum


    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    TREASURE CASE 2012 T246

    Unique ID: ESS-3299E6

      c8thC Saxon solid silver hooked fastener

    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

      Stunning 16thC Tudor hooked fastener - gold on silver March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    17thC - Very interesting figure of 8 design on this silver thimble

    Matching design in

    PAS NMS-653275

    Treasure case tracking number: 2012T135

    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    Early medieval gold ring fragment

    20.79mm x 1.14g

    Date: Undiagnostic

    Description: fragment of a silver-gilt finger-ring, a broad flat band incised on exterior with a double row of dots.

    Dimensions: Weight: 1.3g

    Length: 20.81mm

    Width: 5.90mm

    Thickness: 0.73mm

    Discussion: this ring fragment is undiagnostic in nature and cannot be securely dated to a specific period.

    Due to the undiagnostic nature of the find it cannot be securely dated to pre-1712 and as such falls outside the provisions of the Treasure Act 1996.

    Judy Rudoe

    The BritishMuseum


    March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-F173D0

      17thC Charles II silver button March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Medieval silver mount March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Post medieval silver ring 'GOD' March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

      16thC Tudor gold on silver ring m March 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

      Saxon gold casting waste 59.49 g, 60.61mm wide Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


      16thC Tudor gold on silver hooked fastener Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC silver seal matrix - rev initial IC , Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    17th/18thC enamelled solid gold button


    Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

      17thC Charles II silver button Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Medieval gilded silver dress fitting 1.82g, 17.35 mm

    Similar Ref Treasure Case No: 2019 T520 - Medieval silver dress fitting Colchester area of Essex
    Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


      Medieval silver cross - similar construction to 13thC Knights templer badges 1.06g, 22.82mm

    Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder




    17th/18th gold posy ring reported as treasure to the museum

    3.29g, 20.16mm dia

    'LOVE AS' YOU ELSE I DIE' - maker mark - old English FC

    TREASURE CASE 2012 T74: Post Medieval finger ring

    Date: Post Medieval

    Description: Post Medieval gold finger ring. The band is slightly distorted and has a shallow 'D' shaped cross section. The inside is inscribed with "Love as' I or else I die" followed by the makers mark JC within a rectangle. The ring is 20.50mm by 19.29mm in diameter, is 3.70mm wide and 1.13mm thick. It weighs 3.25 grams.

    Discussion: A ring with a similar inscription ' . . . v Love I til I die' was recorded as 2009T422 (LON-3EFD56 on the PAS database) with the comments: This may be a version of inscriptions recorded by Joan Evans, such as 'Love as I or else I die'... Similar inscriptions seem to have been in use from the 17th century onwards.

    The object contains a minimum of 10% precious metal and is over 300 years old. Consequently it qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996 in terms of both age and precious metal content.

    Feb 2012 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Unique ID: ESS-FA2225

    Disclaimed returning to finder



    15th/16thC gold ring no hallmarks

    18.71mm, 1.05g

    Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


      Gold on silver 16thC Tudor pin head and shaft

    Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder


      Iron Age pure gold wrist or ankle Torc fragment - 1.63g, 30.18mm L x 2,5 mm dia - Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    C12thC Early medieval gold ring - reported as treasure to museum

    "DEBAL GUD GUDANI +" which is Gothic, meaning "God of Gods"

    Interesting hand punched lettering which has a barred A with additional top bar like on short cross coins of Class7 and an unbarred A also on the ring.

    4.22g, 4.49mm H x 22.59mm W

    TREASURE CASE 2011 T760 Medieval gold finger ring

    Disposition: Disclaimed by Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service.

    Description: Finger-ring, considerably distorted, consisting of a flat band, with facets engraved with an inscription which reads + D E B A L . G U D G U D A N I The inscription carried amuletic meaning and is derived from the words TEBAL GUT GUTTANI This phrase was commonly invoked in the Middle Ages as a charm for ailments, such as toothache (see O. M. Dalton, Catalogue of Finger Rings in the British Museum, 1912, cat.nos. 866, 872, 873). The finger-ring is gold and dates from the fourteenth century.

    Dimensions: height 22 mm, width 12 mm.

    J P Robinson Curator of Late Medieval Collections 17th February 2012

    Inscription: + D E B A L . G U D G U D A N I


    Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-53A9B2



      16thC Tudor clothing fastener - gold on silver

    Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder


      Gold 16thC Tudor pin head Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


      c13thC medieval silver annular brooch Oct 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



    Medieval Gilded silver clasped hands ring fragment

    16.61mm L,0.92g

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder


    17th/18thC gold ring - inscription uses old style long S as a normal S - Maker Rh - no hallmarks

    4.41g, 19.66mm

    Inscription reads 'CONTENT IS A TREASURE'

    Post Medieval to Modern gold finger ring. The band has a 'D' shaped cross section and has an inscription 'Content is a treasure' with the maklers mark Rn in a rectangle on the inside of the band. The ring weighs 4.41 grams and has a diameter of 19.66mm.

    Discussion: A similar inscription can be seen in Evans 90, 'Noe treasure to content' which has maker's mark dated 1630-62. However the makers mark appears to match AF.1338 (dated 17th- 18th Century - British Museum collection).

    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Unique ID: ESS-BC20F6


    An italicized long s used in the word "Congress" in the United States Bill of Rights



    16th/17thC decorated gold ring

    4.00g, 22.11mm

    TREASURE CASE 2011 T255 Medieval Finger Ring

    A medieval finger-ring with a D-sectioned hoop. The outside of the hoop has cabled decoration which alternates with bands of beading enclosing areas engraved with flowers. The ring would originally have been enamelled, but no traces of enamel remain. It is distorted and has evidence of much wear. The finger-ring is gold and dates from the fifteenth century.

    Dimensions: length 22 mm, width 18 mm.

    J P Robinson Curator of Medieval Collections 5th January 2012


    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    Treasure case tracking number: 2011T255

    Unique ID: ESS-833234

    16th/17thC decorated gold ring - reported as treasure to museum

    4.00g, 22.11mm


    Medieval decorated gold ring with green stone


    TREASURE CASE 2011 T252 Medieval finger ring

    Disposition: Disclaimed by Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service

    A medieval finger-ring of roughly stirrup shape, set with a green stone (possibly glass or emerald). The shoulders are decorated with punched bosses amidst leaves and tendrils, possibly intended to represent a vine with grapes. The hoop is badly distorted. The finger ring is gold and dates from the thirteenth century.

    Dimensions: length 22 mm, width 18 mm.

    J P Robinson Curator of Late Medieval Collections 17th February 2012


    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-831C60


      17thC silver clothing fastner - raise heart design

    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Disclaimed returning to finder



    13thC Medieval gold ring bezel with black sapphire


    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Disclaimed returning to finder




    Medieval silver needle find - six sided

    1.73g, 40.53mm L

    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Disclaimed returning to finder


      17thC silver bell

    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

      17thC Charles II silver button

    April 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder


    Roman gold ring -decorated with hanging fruit and vine

    1.46g, 24.49mm

    TREASURE CASE 2011 T213 Medieval finger ring

    Disposition: Disclaimed by Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service. Description: A medieval finger-ring, very much distorted and missing the stone which originally decorated the bezel. The ring is roughly stirrup-shaped with decorative bosses along the shoulders running along a raised ridge. The bosses have punched decoration giving them the appearance of clusters of granulation. The ring is gold and dates from the thirteenth century. Dimensions: length 25 mm, width 18 mm. J P Robinson Curator of Medieval Collections 17th February 2012

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-98F924




    16th/17th gold ring - no hallmarks


    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder


      16thC Tudor hooked fastener - gilded silver

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


      Stunning 1704 Queen Anne commemorative silver cufflinks

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and donated to Colchester museum by finder Org Mary


      17thC Charles II silver button -

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

      17thC Charles II silver button

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

      Ancient gold ingot

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      Post Medieval silver bodkin needle -

    March 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

      (EMC 2011.0059) Merovingian Saxon gold coin - cut shilling

    March 2011 Reported to museum as hoard Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Declared hoard


      17thC silver seal matric

    Feb 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder




    17th/18thC Gold posey ring inscribed LOVE VIRTUE HATE VICE

    Maker WH

    Treasure Case: 2011 T208 Colchester District, Essex: Post Medieval finger ring

    Date of Discovery: 24th February 2011

    Circumstances of discovery: Whilst searching with a metal detector

    Date: Post Medieval - 18th Century - 19th Century

    Description: Gold posy ring with shallow 'D' shaped cross section. The outside of the band is undecorated. The inside is inscribed 'Love virtue hate vice' with a makers mark WH (or HM) within a rectangle.

    Dimensions: Diameter: 17.61mm Width: 2.78mm Thickness: 1.04mm Weight: 1.54 grams.

    Discussion: The inscription does not appear in Joan Evans, 1931 or on any examples in the British Museum collections. Examples of similar makers' marks date to after 1800 (see Grimwade, pp224), also see British Museum collections for a mourning ring with similar maker's mark, dated from the inscription to 1813 (AF. 1633).

    Comparable examples of the maker's mark indicate that this ring probably dates to later than 1711 and as such falls outside the provisions of the Treasure Act 1996.


    Feb 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-E0D695



      Ancient gold bar 3.80g, 12.71mm long

    Feb 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Ancient gold bar 3.80g, 12.71mm long reported as treasure to museum


    C12thC medeival emerald gold ring 0.48g, 14.54mm

    Treasure Report: 2011 T88 'Colchester District', Essex: Medieval finger ring

    Description: A medieval finger-ring with an oval bezel set with a green stone. The hoop of the ring is very thin and badly distorted, with some damage at one end.

    The finger-ring is gold and dates from the late twelfth or early thirteenth century.

    Dimensions: length 22 mm, width 14 mm.

    Discussion: For comparable pieces, see TAR 1998-1999, pages 55-57, nos. 107, 111, 112 and 113 and TAR 2000, pages 60-61, nos. 89 and 91Consequently, in terms of age and as the object contains a minimum of 10% precious metal it qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996.

    Report by: J P Robinson, Curator of Late Medieval Collections. 15th December 2011


    Feb 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-E10383


      15thC Medieval knopped silver spoon handle Feb 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Viking gilded mount

    Jan 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Awaiting unquest

      Germanic type equal arm brooch introduced into Anglo Saxon settlers from North East Germany in the 5thC AD,

    Jan 2011 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Awaiting unquest


      Decorated gold locket with red stone

    Oct 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


      Fox headed silver brooch with gold eyes, it's construction could be 16thC Tudor

    Sept 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      17thC Charles II wedding commemorative silver button issue

    Sept 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      17thC Charles II wedding commemorative silver button issue

    Sept 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

      350 AD Roman hoard coins

    Sept 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    PA Rob's Roman hoard coins

    Can Dennis's hoard coins


      Ancient Gold band - 9g - 8.4mm W x 27.24mm L x 1.18mm T

    Sept 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returbed to finder

    Ancient Gold band - 9g - 8.4mm W x 27.24mm L x 1.18mm T

      16thC Tudor period silver ring with red stone - 24.02mm L x 14.31mm W

    Sept 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Disclaimed and returned to finder



      17thC Charles II wedding commemorative silver button issue April 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC Charles II wedding commemorative silver button issue March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Medeival twisted wire gold ring - no hall marks

    22.34mm, 2.73g

    Treasure Case: 2010 T257. Medieval finger ring

    Date: 14th-15th century

    Date of discovery: 26 March 2010

    Circumstances of discovery: While searching with a metal-detector.

    Description: A late medieval gold finger-ring, the hoop formed from a band cut to resemble a double twist. The surface of each alternate twist is textured. The ring is distorted, and has a small split at one point.

    Dimensions: Max diameter: 23mm.

    The find therefore qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996 in terms of both age and precious metal content.

    Beverley Nenk Dept Prehistory and Europe British Museum 24 January 2011


    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Confirmed as 14thC disclaimed and returned to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-F15137



      Saxon gold coin hoard

    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Inquest date held 25th Feb 2011


    Valuation committee stage

    Aquired by Colchester museum

    Merovingian tremissis of the 7th century


    This coin (EMC 2010.0131) is a Merovingian tremissis of Coutances (dep.
    Manche), moneyer Piontus, from the same dies as Belfort 1681, Prou 299.
    The obverse names the mint *CVSTANCIA [S reversed] and the reverse names the moneyer PIONtVS. Priou reads the moneyer's name as tVSPION but Belfort's reading PIONtVS is now accepted as the correct one.

    Merovingian tremissis of the 7th century

    c 600/800 AD Saxon gold coin send to Fizwilliam museum for ID and recording

    Not shown in any book I have ???

    1.35g, 13.87mm

    'Saxon' gold coins not in the reference books are usually Merovingian tremisses, and this coin (EMC 2010.0130) is no exception to this rule.
    The coin seems to be unworn and from relatively undamaged dies, but the inscriptions are garbled. I have not found any similar coins in the reference books on Merovingian coins (which is not unusual), but if I receive any clarification from one of the continental experts on Merovingian coins I shall let you know.

    Merovingian gold coins greatly outnumber Anglo-Saxon gold coins as finds in England.



      16thC Tudor gold on silver mount

    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Declared treasure

    Purchased by museum


    Ancient gold ring bezel ? -cloisonné enamel-work 1.25g, 9.84mm dia


    Treasure Case No: 2010 T169.  Gold cloisonné fitting from Colchester area , Essex
    (Receipt No: 6979)

    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    ID'd as Saxon


    Inquest date set for 14/10/11

    Declared treasure and donated by Ill Mark and landowner to museum





    7th century Saxon dragon headed silver strap end

    Treasure Case No: 2010 T167. 

    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Discalimed as not 10% silver by weight

    Donated to Colchester museum



    Ancient gold ingot - possible wrist or ankle torc fragment 3.48g, 3.45mm dia , 29.86mm L


    Treasure Case No: 2010 T163. Gold bar from the Colchester area of Essex
    (Receipt No: 6981)

    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Disclaimed - returning to finder



    Post medeival

    Stunning Black and white enameled gold ring - double banded with inscription on both upper and lower bands.5.83g, 25.91mm L x 8.40mm W

    Top legend -LET TRVTHE ADVANCE

    Bottom legend - ECHE . FORTVNES CHAVNG

    Treasure Number: 2010 T165  Post Medieval gold finger ring from the Colchester District, Essex.
    (Receipt number: 6977)


    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Inquest date held 25th Feb 2011


    Valuation committee stage

    Aquired by Colchester museum






    Romano/British Ancient gold ring

    1.53g, 26.17g

    Date: 19th Century or later

    Description: Fragment of a ring, pale reddish gold, a hollow hoop with empty stone setting and applied 'tears' on the shoulders. In the absence of anything comparable in the British Museum collections it is difficult to date this ring, but it is unlikely to be earlier than the 19th c.

    Dimensions: Weight: 1.53g Diameter: 26.17mm

    The find dates to later than 1710 and as such falls outside the provisions of the Treasure Act 1996.

    Judy Rudoe Curator of Renaissance & Later Collections Department of Prehistory & Europe The British Museum


    March 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-8DD795



    Medieval gold finger ring -


    Feb 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


      17thC Charles II silver button

    Feb 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder




    Ancient gold ingot - 0.76g, 10.76mm long

    Treasure Case No:2010 T170.  Gold fragment from the Colchester area of Essex
    (Receipt No:6978)

    Feb 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder



      16th/17thC gold ring - no hall marks 1.75g, 18.51mm dia

    Feb 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    - reported to Colchester museum as treasure


    16th/17thC decorated silver bodkin needle

    2.79g, 70.64mm L

    Feb 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Dislclaimed and returned to find


    Treasure Case: 2010 T166 Dress Pin (Bodkin)


    Possible Romano/British silver handle

    11.84g, 33.36mm w x 41.46mm H x 7.24mm T

    Feb 2010 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    16thC Tudor gilt on silver clothing fastener

    14.55mm, 1.56g

    Treasure Case No: 2010 T37 - Post Medieval silver dress fitting Colchester area of Essex-

    Nov 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Disclaimed - returning to finder

      Early medieval gold ring 15.26mm dia, 2.08g Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Medieval silver bodkin needle

    Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process


    Disclaimed - returning to finder

      1500 -1650 solid silver buckle Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC Charles II silver button Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    16thC Tudor gilded silver fastener fragment

    Treasure Case No: 2009 T38 - Post medeival dress fitting Colchester area of Essex

    Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process



      Roman bronze coin hoard Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      17thC silver bodkin needle

    Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder

      Stunning 17thC seal matrix - 5.56g, 21.91mm H

    Oct 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Declared treasure Nov 9th 2010


    Stunning 17thC seal matrix - reported to museum as treasure


    Medieval gold ring - full inscription inside and out - reported to Colchester museum as treasure

    inner - PEULET Z (FRENCH NAME )

    Outer - SF UNY


    17.18mm, 4.17g

    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Inquest 27th Aug 2010 declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    Treasure Report:   2009 T579                                                                            
    Parish/County:          ‘Tendring District’, Essex

    A Medieval finger-ring of D-shaped section with inscriptions on the external and internal surface. The inscription on the outside of the hoop has seen much wear and is largely illegible. It appears to consist of the following letters:

    SE  NA R  SE?L

    The inscription on the inside of the ring is crisp and legible and spells


    This is a variation on the French word ‘pensez’, meaning ‘think’ (of me).  This single word is often deployed on rings with romantic inscriptions.

    The ring’s proportions suggest that it may have been worn on the small finger of a slender woman or by a child.

    The ring is gold and dates from the fifteenth century.

    Dimensions: internal diameter 18 mm

    Consequently, in terms of age and as the object contains a minimum of 10% precious metal it qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996.

    J P Robinson
    Curator of Medieval Collections
    15th December 2009





    C14thC Medieval gold ring 1.31g,20.40mm dia

    Description: Misshapen small plain gold finger-ring. The hoop is a low D-shape in cross-section, with the interior flat or very slightly convex and the exterior more distinctly convex.

    Date: There is no inner inscription or makers mark on the ring, therefore it is not possible to date this finger-ring.

    The undiagnostic nature of this find makes it impossible to date to pre-1709 and as such it falls outside the provisions of the Treasure Act 1996.

    Caroline Barton The British Museum 28/01/2010


    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure

    Returned to finder


    Unique ID: ESS-203042


    -Circa 1300 BC Bronze age gold open backed triple banded gold ring

    3.48g, 13.73mm dia x 6.74mm H

    Reported to Colchester museum as treasure

    Description A gold composite ring comprising three elements that appear to be thin c-sectioned gold strips soldered together. The ring is bent to an oval shape with one end overlapping the other. The gold is light coloured and the surfaces smooth except where the strips have been soldered. Max diameter: 11mm; min diameter: 8mm; width: 6mm; weight: 3.5g

    Discussion The soldered strip manufacture of the ring resembles a well known Middle Bronze Age type dated to 1300-1100BC. Recent finds of these composite rings include a tripartite one in the Newchurch area of the Isle of Wight (Treasure Annual Report 2004, 21, 229, Fig. 4) and a bipartite one found at Braishfield, Hampshire (Treasure Annual Report 1999, 11, 12, Fig. 6).

    Conclusion This can be considered as potential Treasure under the 1996 Treasure Act. Reference Treasure Annual Report 2004. DCMS Treasure Annual Report 1998-1999. DCMS

    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasureInquest 27th Aug 2010 declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Donated by landowner and finder to Colchster museum

    Treasure case tracking number: 2009T524

    Unique ID: ESS-CB3683

    On display at the BM



    Roman bronze coin hoard

    Treasure Case No: 2009 T614 - Roman bronze coin hoard Colchester area of Essex-

    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder


    16thC Tudor jewelry clasp - gold on silver

    13.01mm H, 0.80g


    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder


    Medieval gold ring with sapphire - 24.12mm dia, 11.42g

    Description: A Medieval cast gold stirrup-shaped finger ring set with a dark blue stone setting on the bezel. The stone has been highly polished and is irregularly shaped, with both curved and angular edges. The ring is in good condition, apart from several small scratches on the outside of the hoop. It measures 28.67mm by 24.09mm and has in internal diameter of 19.73mm. It weighs 11.32 grams. The hoop is 3.62mm wide, 1.56mm thick, increasing at the bezel to 5.64mm wide and 7.56mm thick.

    Discussion: The stone is probably sapphire, however analysis would need to be undertaken to determine this.

    Disposition: Disclaimed. Returned to finder.

    The object contains a minimum of 10% precious metal and is over 300 years old. Consequently it qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996 in terms of both age and precious metal content.


    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasureInquest 27th Aug 2010 declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Unique ID: ESS-20A460


      Medieval silver decorated bpdkin needle

    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder


    Medieval gilded silver cherub mount

    13.82mm H x14.84mm W, 1.05g


    Treasure Case No: 2019 T520 - Medieval silver dress fitting Colchester area of Essex-

    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Declared treasure Nov 9th 2010


      Medieval silver Fleur De Lis hat badge

    Sept 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder


    16thC Tudor gilded silver pin

    Pin dia 10.88mm, 4.68g


    Treasure case 2009T596

    16thC Tudor decorated silver pin . Complete and undamaged with much of the original gilding Pin dia 10.88mm, 4.68g

    PAS find id:  ESS-5D8754


    April 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009

    Declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Finder and landowner paid

    Stunning 16thC Tudor gilded silver pin

    Pin dia 10.88mm, 4.68g


    Medieval Silver figurine

    Treasure Case No: 2009 T220 - Medieval silver figure Colchester area of Essex

    2009 T218 for

    Date of discovery:    5 April 2009

    Other info about the object (speculative or otherwise): ?Post Medieval

    PAS find id:  ESS-C71F62

    Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder


    Treasure Report:   2009/T218                                                                   
    Parish/County:          Tendring District, Essex

    A small Medieval figure of a knight, missing his arms and the bottom part of his legs. The sinuous pose suggests that the figure is meant to represent St George spearing the dragon. The dragon ought to have been positioned beneath his feet, but this part of the composition is missing. In this respect and in terms of its dimensions, the figure resembles mass produced pilgrim souvenirs generated by the cult of St George at Windsor Castle. What distinguishes this figure is that it is cast in the round unlike pilgrim badges of the same period.

    On the reverse are the remains of a loop, used either for stitching on to a garment (most likely) or for suspension.

    The figure is silver and dates from the fifteenth century.

    Dimensions: length 18 mm, width 9 mm.


    J P Robinson
    Curator of Medieval Collections
     26th November 2009


    Medieval gold ring - missing stone 1.01g, 18.99mm dia - reported as treasure to Colchester museum

    2009 T220 for

    Object type and number:  1 medieval gold ring

    Other info about the object (speculative or otherwise): missing its setting

    PAS find id:  ESS-C750F0

    Treasure Case No: 2009 T220 - Post medieval gold finger ring Colchester area of Essex-

    March 2009 Reported to museum as treasure

    Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed - returning to finder



    Medieval gold posey ring


    22.38mm O/dia x 1.64mm T , 2.77g


    March 2009 Reported to museum as treasureInquest 27th Aug 2010 declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    £2000 offer made to finder and landowner


    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    Treasure Report:   2009 T110                                  JPR/EM                                              
    Parish/County:          ‘Tendring District’, Essex

    A Medieval finger-ring consisting of a single loop, flattened, with an inscription running along the narrow internal surface. Much of the inscription is illegible, but the remainder appears to read:

    TOUT ??E ?E VOUS CE ??UE

    The language is French and the disposition of the words characteristic of late medieval love tokens.

    The finger-ring is gold and dates from the fifteenth century.

    Dimensions: external 22 mm, internal 18 mm.

    Consequently, in terms of age and as the object contains a minimum of 10% precious metal it qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996.

    J P Robinson
    Curator of Medieval Collections
    7th October 2009


      Medieval silver hawking bell

    March 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder



    Medieval silver hawking bell



    March 2009 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed returning to finder

      17thC Charles II silver button

    Nov 2008 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed 29th Sept - returning to finder

      17thC Charles II silver cufflinks

    Nov 2008 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed 29th Sept - returning to finder

      Roman solid gold hanging pendant ? - 2.65g, 11.95mm H x 10.68mm dia x 11.68mm W

    Reported Oct 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T596

    Disclaimed and returning to finder



    Treasure Report:   2008 T580  

    A Medieval finger-ring with a simple wire hoop and a symmetrical hexagonal bezel set with a sapphire.

    The finger-ring is gold, and dates from the late twelfth or the thirteenth century.

    Dimensions: diameter 21 mm

    Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analysis of the surface of a finger ring from Tendring, Essex, indicated a gold content of approximately 60%, a silver content of approximately 20%, and a copper content of at least 19%. The dark blue stone was identified by Raman spectroscopy as corundum, which for this colour is known as sapphire. The ring weighs 2.48 grams.


    Reported Oct 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T580

    Currently waiting for inquest

    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009

    Declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Purchased by museum



    Medieval gold figurine

    PAS no: ESS-49E265


    Treasure Report:   2008 T581                                                                            
    Parish/County:          Tendring District, Essex

    A medieval figure of John the Baptist. The saint is shown not in his usual attribute of a camel skin, but in the robes of a prophet. He gestures with his right hand to a salver, which he holds in his left. This was originally designed to carry a lamb, signifying the Lamb of God. A scroll issues from the Saint’s left hand and is inscribed with the words
    (Behold, the Lamb of God)

    The figure stands on a small plinth with a finished base. It is designed to be seen in the round and on its back there is a loop for attachment to an object. It would probably have been entirely enamelled, but no traces of enamel survive on the figure.

    The figure is gold and dates from the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century.

    Dimensions: height 33 mm, width 11 mm, depth 10 mm.


    Consequently, in terms of age and as the object contains a minimum of 10% precious metal it qualifies as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act 1996.

    J P Robinson
    Curator of Medieval Collections
    30th March 2009

    Reported Oct 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T581

    Currently waiting for inquest


    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009

    Declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Purchased by museum

    Stunning medieval gold statue pendant - C13th judging by the Lombardic script on the scroll . This is probably to do with the Catholic church (DEI) and one of the members suggested FRCO is St Francis

      Early hand made gold ring - no hall marks 1.18g, 23.26mm x 1.06mm T


    Reported Sept 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T578

    Disclaimed and returning to finder



    1 silver seal matrix

    PAS no:  ESS-49C036 


    Silver seal matrix – double headed eagle with heart

    5.02g, 25.09mm L x (13.79mm x 10.98mm  seal head)

    Reported Oct 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T579

    Disclaimed returning to finder



    Post Med silver gilt pendant

    PAS no: ESS-481232

    Gilded silver item - possible rosary hanger - 22.34mm L x 19.57mm w, 3.29g

    Treasure case 2008T575



    Reported Sept 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T575

    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009



    Post Med silver ?bell fragment

    PAS no: ESS-481856

    Reported Sept 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T576 

    Disclaimed returning to finder


    Post Med silver button/cufflink

    PAS no: ESS-497F12

    Reported Sept 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T577

    Disclaimed returning to finder


    16thC Tudor pin head gold on silver - 2.95g ,10.75mm



    Reported Oct 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    2008 T584

    Disclaimed returning to finder

    17thC silver clasp
    Reported April 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process. Disclaimed returning to finder


    16thC Tudor rectangular headed fastener with a raised central box section . Complete and undamaged with much of the original gilding 2.24g, 25.02mm

    Treasure case 2008T453

    Reported April 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Currently waiting for inquest

    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009

    Silver clothing fastener, 17.34mm H x 18.04 mm W, 1.66g - Reported as potential treasure to museum as it could be earlier than it looks

    Treasure Report:   2008 T236

    Post medieval silver clothing fastener, 17.34mm H x 18.04 mm W, 1.66g -


    Reported April 2008


    Currently waiting for inquest

    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009


    Ancient gold ring

    26.97mm, 4.77g

    Reported April 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder



    Treasure Report: Case 2008 T235

    Date: 15th century

    A medieval gold finger-ring in the form of a flattened band, now distorted. The ring is engraved with a black letter inscription which reads: +de le bien(?), probably an amatory phrase meaning ‘of, or for, the good’. Each word is separated by motifs of flowers and sprigs.

    Max diameter: 20mm.
    Width: 4mm.

    Reported March 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Currently waiting for inquest


    Inquest date set 23rd Sept 2009

    Declared treasure - valuation committee stage

    Bought by Colchester museum





    c 13thC Solid silver medieval vessica seal 62.1g, 21.96mm L x 18.81mm x 5.51mm W (excluding hanger)


    Roman intaglio red stone

    Reported March 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Inquest date 18th Nov 2008 Declared treasure - both landowner and finder paid award and bought by Colchester musueum

      17thC silver button 16.35mm, 1.74g Reported March 2008 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
    Early Decorated Medieval silver bodkin needle with initial reversed 'R'

    Treasure case:2007 T571
    Post Medieval (17th century) incomplete silver dress pin

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    English Medieval silver buckle - inscribed with a heart and RU - reported to museum as treasure

    1.76g, 27.45mm dia

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as 18thC

      Wrist Torc - possibly Roman 23.19g, 81.95mm W x 3.80mm dia Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process - Disclaimed as modern

    Silver chain with decorated mount

    Treasure case:2007 T636

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as 19thC watch hanger

      Early decorated silver ring fragment with runic symbols - 0.53g,19.96mm L

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returned to finder


    17thC silver toggle fastener with initials AB - 2.69g, 24.94mm L x 14.48mm W

    Treasure case: 2007 T572.
    Post Medieval silver cufflink

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process - disclaimed as 18th C and returned to finder



    2 Silver mounts one with glass or stone

    Two Post Medieval silver buttons, both incomplete

    Treasure number 2007 T540.

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed as 18thC




    Solid silver decorated pin head 15th/16thC Tudor -

    1.66g, 9.56mm dia

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process- disclaimed and being returned to finder

    Medieval silver bodkin needle, initials EK

    Treasure case:2007 T539
    Post Medieval (17th century) incomplete silver dress pin

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process. Disclaimed and returned to finder

    Gold nugget probably Celtic Circa 1stC - reported as treasure to Colchester museum and will be tested by British museum 2.17g,6.73mm

    Treasure case:2007 T575

    Reported Oct 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Disclaimed and returning to finder


      Medieval silver decorated hawking bell fragment - 10.08mm H x 17.03mm W, 0.65g Reported Sept 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Mid 17thC Mourning silver token

    Obv 'Prepared be to follow me' CR T

    Rev 'I live and dy m loyal ye'

    19.88mm L x 19.02 mm W 1.14g


    Reported Sept 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    1662 silver button to commemorate Charles II marriage

    12.91mm dia, 0.62g

    Reported Sept 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process. Declared treasure
      Medieval decorated silver hawking bell Reported May 2007 Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process
      Medieval decorated silver hawking bell Reported May 2007 to Colchester museum Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Roman gold ring

    3.92g, 25.25mm outer dia 3.12mm thick

    April 2007 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process. With the British museum. Disclaimed and returned to finder
      17thC silver bodkin needle Feb 2007 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process,disclaimed and being returned tto finder
      1625 Charles 1st jewelry item Jan 2007 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process - Declared treasure and bought by Colchester museum

    1625 Charles 1st bust - 0.58g, 13.54mm L

      Medieval hat badge Jan 2007 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process - disclaimed and returned to finder
      Silver concave button with shield design Oct 2006 Reported to museum as potential treasure - Currently with Colchester museum undergoing evaluation - waiting report from the British Museum - ID'd as 16thC Disclaimed and returned to finder
      Late medieval gold ring Sept 2006 Reported to museum as treasure found by Idaho Ken- Initial ID is late Medieval period therefore treasure.waiting report from the British Museum - Disclaimed and returned to finder.
      17thC Charles 1st silver cufflinks Oct 2006 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process - Purchased by Colchester museum
      Gold brooch - under evaluation by museum to determine age Oct 2006 Reported to museum as treasure Disclaimed and returned to finder
      572. Tendring Area, Essex:
    Post-Medieval silver hat badge (2006 T482)
    Date: Early 16th century
    Discovery: Found by Mr E Zschernitz while metaldetecting in October 2006.
    Description: A circular hat badge, gilt front and back, with the remains of a pin on the back. The
    badge comprises a pinked backplate with thick cable decoration at the edge and a band of pinked decoration enclosing a built-up cast element at the centre with the Virgin and Child sitting on a crescent moon. There are sun rays behind the figures. Diameter: 19.9mm; weight: 6.54g.
    Discussion: The form and iconography indicate that this is a hat badge, as fashionably worn by men on the upturned flap of a hat around 1500–25. See for example a Crucifixion scene from Raydon, Suffolk (Treasure Annual Report 2003, no. 240), which indicates the original shape of the hook, i.e. with two sharp Ubends and sharp tip.
    Disposition: Colchester & Ipswich Museums Service.

    Sept 2006 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process

    Inquest 28th March 2007 Bought by museum

      17thC silver button Sept 2006 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process Inquest 28th March 2007
      Medieval silver bodkin needle Sept 2006 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process. Disclaimed silver plated
      Blank intaglio ring Sept 2006 Reported to museum as treasure Currently with Colchester museum determining age Disclaimed not 10% gold by weight
      431. North of Colchester, Essex: Medieval gold iconographic finger-ring (2006 T445)
    Date: Late 15th–early 16th century
    Discovery: Found by Mr D Bailey in September 2006.
    Description: A finger-ring of iconographic type, the bezel is hexagonal and contains a depiction of God the
    Father holding the figure of Christ on the Cross. This
    was the conventional way to portray the Trinity in the late Medieval period, though the dove representing the Holy Spirit seems to be absent.
    The hoop of the ring is twisted. The twists closest
    to the bezel are engraved with seven five-petalled flowers and possibly a lupin. The five-petalled flower
    is a recognised reference to the five wounds of Christ and the number seven may be an allusion to the seven
    sorrows of the Virgin Mary. Diameter: 18.9mm; weight: 2.96g.
    Disposition: Colchester & Ipswich Museums Service.
    Sept 2006 Reported to museum as treasure found by NH Dave - Initial ID is 17thC and therefore treasure.Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process Inquest 28th March 2007 Bought by museum


      Silver decorated ear scraper March 2006 Reported to museum as possible treasure found by Cal Randy - Initial ID is Medieval period therefore treasure.Currently with Colchester museum going through the treasure process.Disclaimed and returned to finder. Donated Colchester museum
      Silver brooch - Possible treasure Feb 2006 Reported to museum as possible treasure found by Boston Beau - ID 'd as not over 300 years old and returning to finder

    Charles 1st silver button


    March 2006 Reported as potential treasure to museum found by Ohio Keith - Not 300 years old and returned to finder

    Gold on bronze with stone


    Feb 2006 - Reported to museum - found by Ark Gary - ID'd as not treasure 10% gold by weight and returned to finder

    'gilded object set with the stone is probably one of two things – either a horse harness pendant or possibly a fitting from a bible or reliquary. The stone is probably a rock crystal. Either way it dates to the medieval period c.1200-1500'.

      17thC Charles 1st silver button March 2006 Reported to museum as treasure - found by NY Dan - disclaimed returning to finder

    45 BC Addedomaros Celtic gold coin 5.58g, 15.72mm CCI 05.0752

    1046. East of Colchester, Essex:
    9 Iron Age gold staters (2005 T146 & 2005 T462)
    Date: c. 20 BC–AD 10
    Discovery: Found by Ms L Cook, Mr G Cox, Mr R Guinazzo, Mr D Harvorson, Mr R Metz, Mr B Purpura &
    Mr T Rushing while metal-detecting in March 2005 & October 2005.
    Description: The nine coins are all ancient British gold staters. They are all inscribed with the name
    of Addedomaros, a king who seems to have ruled a territory in Essex and Hertfordshire. He is only known
    from the coins made in his name. The coins are of a known type (VA 1620 = BMC 2396).
    Disposition: Colchester & Ipswich Museums Service.

    Nov 2005 Reported to museum as potential hoard - found by Mass Bruce

    Added to previous hoard

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Feb 9th 2006 inquest date

    Declared treasure - Finder paid On display in Colchester museum

      17thC silver mount 2.19g, 14.1 mm W x 14.85 L

    Nov 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure - found by Mass Scott

    Coroner's paperwork received 18th Nov 2005 Ref D/558/05

    Disclaimed by the British museum - returned to finder

      9thC Saxon period silver decorated strap end 5.82g, 44.44mm L x 11.91mm W

    Nov 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure - found by Cal Shawn

    Coroner's paperwork received 18th Nov 2005 Ref D/557/05

    Not 10% silver by weight and being returned to the finder

      Addedomaros type 45- 30 BC Celtic gold coin hoard

    Oct 2005 Reported to museum as potential hoard - found by Ark Gary and Chicago Tim

    Added to previous hoard

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Feb 9th 2006 inquest date

    Declared treasure - awaiting valuation commitee - finder paid On display in Colchester museum

      Handmade solid gold band 14.40g, 25.47mm dia.

    Oct 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Coroner's paperwork received 1st Nov 2005 Ref D/500/05

    Found by Chicago Bob

    Disclaimed by the British museum as not over 300 years old returned to finder

      Bent, circular sectioned bar of gold, possibly bronze age

    Sept 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Coroner's paperwork received 1st Nov 2005 Ref D/496/05

    Found by Ohio Eric

    Disclaimed by the British museum as not over 300 years old returned to finder

      Fragment of silver Medieval spoon with diamond knop

    Oct 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Coroner's paperwork received 1st Nov 2005 Ref D/497/05

    Found by Cal Sarah

    Currently at BM for analysis - disclaimed and returning to finder

      Fragment of a medieval or post medieval silver hawking bell

    Sept 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Coroner's paperwork received 1st Nov 2005 Ref D/498/05

    Found by Florida Don

    Disclaimed by the British museum - returned to finder

      17thC silver button

    Sept 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Coroner's paperwork received 1st Nov 2005 Ref D/499/05

    Found by Ohio John

    Disclaimed by the British museum - returning to finder

    Treasure and hoard 2004/5
      Addedomaros type 45- 30 BC Celtic gold coin hoard

    March 2005 Reported to museum as potential hoard.

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Sept 8th 2005 inquest declared treasure. Finder paid

    On display in Colchester museum

      17thC Solid silver button

    March 2005 Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Issued to celebrate the marriage of Charles 1st

    Dakota Lowell.

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Sept 8th 2005 inquest date. Declared treasure

    17thC Solid silver button (j)

    Nov 2004 - Reported to museum as potential treasure

    Returned to finder as 18thC


    17thC Solid silver button (y)


    Nov 2004 - Reported to museum as treasure - found by Boston Will

    Issued to celebrate the marriage of Charles 1st

    Disclaimed by the British Museum returned to finder

      17th/18thC solid silver thimble (c)

    Nov 2004 - Reported to museum as potential treasure - found by Bavaria Mike

    ID'd as 18th C and therefore is not treasure and returned to finder.

      28thSept 2004 4thC Roman gold ring

    Found by Mass Bill- treasure - currently undergoing the treasure process

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Declared treasure awaiting valuation committee offer, offer made and appealed. Payment made to finder and landowner On display in Colchester museum

      28th Sept 2004 17thC silver button

    Found by Wis Wayne - reported to museum as treasure

    Issued to celebrate the marriage of Charles 1st

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Declared treasure awaiting valuation committee offer - finder paid

      14th Sept 2004 16th/17thC Gold ring -

    Found by Canadian Majo - treasure - currently undergoing the treasure process

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Declared treasure awaiting valuation committee offer , final valution made and not bought by museum, returned to finder.



    Cunoblein gold stater hoard 40AD March 2004 Found by Virginia Brian, currently undergoing the treasure process Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Declared treasure valuation committee offer made to finder. Final valuation made purchased by Colchester museum

    From left to right

    CCI 04.0477 'classic A' series, VA 2027-1. Generally believed to have been the last major series of his gold, so probably dating from the 30s AD. There are three or four matches for this particular pair of dies in the CCI, among the c. 100 of the basic type. The decoration at the base of the corn-ear is a bit more showy than usual.

    CCI 04.0478 'plastic A' series, VA 2010-3. Believed to have preceded the classic type, so perhaps from c. 25 - 35 AD. About ninety of these are recorded here, and again there are a number of matches for both of these dies, including at least one coin in the British Museum (BMC 1819 in Hobbs's Catalogue of Iron Age coins in the BM).

    CCI 04.0479 'linear' series, VA 1925-1. The earliest of these three, perhaps from c. 20 AD, and a little rarer, with about 60 recorded here. Again there is a coin in the BM from the same pair of dies, BMC 1783. There are a couple of rather unusual features to the dies - although not clear on your example because of the position it has been struck, there appears to be no V on the end of CAMV, and there's also a mark - perhaps some kind of privy mark - after the CVN on the reverse, you can just see the top of what looks like a letter I between the N and the On display in Colchester museum

    1500BC axe heads and ingots

    Treasure and hoard - March 2004 with museum undergoing the treasure process found by Massa Bruce

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - 2nd June 2005 inquest date

    Declared officially treasure - Colchester museum have shown interest in purchasing item subject to valuation. Awaiting valuation committee result. Final valution made and accepted, purchased by Colchester museum. Payment made to finder and landowner. On display in Colchester museum

    Mass Linda, Bruce and Texas Gary
    Linda's axe head
    Large Bronze circular ingots
    17thC Solid silver button (y)

    March 2004 found by Vancouver Mac

    with museum declared treasure

    Issued to celebrate the marriage of Charles 1st

    Inquest 5th May 2005. Declared officially treasure - Colchester museum have shown interest in purchasing item subject to valuation. Valuation committee offer made. Payment made to finder and landowner

    On display in Colchester museum

    17thC Solid silver button (x)

    March 2004 declared treasure

    Issued to celibrate the marriage of Charles 1st

    Disclaimed found before the treasure act

    550AD Gold Saxon dagger cheaf (g)

    Sept 2003- Declared treasure - waiting further tests by the British museum

    Ohio Budd

    Inquest 5th May 2005. Declared officially treasure - Colchester museum have shown interest in purchasing item subject to valuation. Awaiting valuation committee result.Final valution made and appealed by landowner and finder. Finder and landowner paid.On display in Colchester museum

    17thC Gold posey ring with inscription (r)

    Oct 2003- Declared treasure- undergoing the treasure process

    Arkansas Gary

    Latest info from the British Museum : Description: A thin gold band, the exterior engraved with a skull flanked by pointed triangular panels with traces of white enamel in a lozenge pattern. Inside the inscription contains much of its black enamel:prepare be to follow me IK ob4 1st 67 (IK died 4 January 1667.The inscription is followed by the maker's mark, BW in a rectangular shield. The skull may once have been enamelled black. Note This is characteristic type of morning ring. There are some thirteen similar examples at the British museum dating from 1600s to 1730s(see Dalton 1471-1472)

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - Colchester museum have shown interest in purchasing item subject to valuation. Valuation sent to finder.Payment made to finder and landowner On display in Colchester museum

    Silver Medieval Hawking Bell (d) Dec 2003 Declared Treasure - Ohio Eric. Disclaimed, being returned to the finder - applying for export licence. Export licence approved - returned to finder
    Silver clasp with cross decoration (d) Dec 2003 Declared Treasure - Texas Dave- 18thC clothing fastener Disclaimed, being returned to the finder - Export licence approved - returned to finder
    Gilt on silver Medieval ring (d)

    Dec 2003 Declared treasure - Texas Jim - Disclaimed, being returned to the finder.

    Export licence approved - returned to finder

    Celtic Cunoblein gold and silver Celtic coins (g)

    Sept 2003- With Coroner awaiting inquest

    Irish Niall - Texas John Inquest 5th May 2005. Declared officially treasure - Colchester museum have shown interest in purchasing item subject to valuation. Valuation committee offer made. Purchased by Colchester museum

    150BC to 27AD Roman Republic silver coins & Celtic gold (b)

    Oct 2003- Declared hoard awaiting ruling. May 2004 added another Republican silver to the hoard found by Vancouver Brent

    Nevada Gary - Milwaulkie Mike, Van Brent and Essex Chris

    Paperwork received from Coroner's office - 2nd June 2005 inquest date. Declared officially treasure - Colchester museum have shown interest in purchasing item subject to valuation. Valuation committee offer made and accepted.On display in Colchester museum

    Treasure and hoard, what does it all mean to the guys latest finds?

    Here is a quick overview of what it all means:

    The Finds Liaison Officer or the Museum Curator will inform the British museum of the find. They will decide whether they or any other museum wishes to acquire it from the crown.

    If no museum wishes to acquire the find from the crown, the Secretary of State will disclaim it. When this happens, the Coroner will notify the landowner that the object is to be returned to the finder, after 28 days, unless the landowner objects. If the landowner objects, the Coroner will retain the find until the finder and landowner have resolved the dispute.

    Museum wants to acquire the find.

    The Coroner will hold an inquest to decide whether the find is Treasure, the finder, landowner will be invited to attend and will be able to question witnesses at the inquest. If the find is declared to be Treasure then it will be taken to the British museum so that it can be valued by the Treasure Valuation Committee.

    The valuation committee is formed from independent experts drawn from antiquities or coin trades. If you don't like the valuation then you can appeal supplying written evidence to support your claim. If you are still dissatisfied you can appeal to the Secretary of State !!

    In simplistic terms you get it back or you get the fair market price. This is not a process to fear as it protects finds of national importance from leaving the country.