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2025 March finds page


Tx Mike gets his freebies for the first monster find of the year

Note the skull engraving on the ring

Stunning 1721 Gold and black enamel mourning ring - reported as treasure

A.M obt 2 May 1721

Maker RD

5g, 22.13mm

Vir Phill found this in Sept and I reported it as potential treasure to museum as it had that classic 16thC construction.

I just got it back disclaimed from the museum ID'd as a bosun's whistle.

Record ID: ESS-6715AB - POST MEDIEVAL whistle.

A fragment of a silver gilt bosun's whistle of post-medieval date (c.1500-1700).

Description: The whistle remains as one half of the ovoid hollow of the whistle which would have been attached to a tube through which air would have been blown into the hollow. The hollow would have been constructed in two halves and joined at their bases. The remaining half has semi-circular cut out which, when joined to the other half would have created a circular opening, allowing the blown air to escape. The fragment is decorated with a raised design in the form of a flower with five heart-shaped petals and a raised knop at its centre. The fragment is slightly bent and retains much of its gilding. 

Measurements: height: 8.5mm; width: 13.4mm thickness: 9mm weight: 0.75g

Discussion: More complete bosuns' whistles with the same decoration recorded on the database and submitted for the consideration as Treasure include SOM-77474D (2017T629) HAMP-D7F787 (2013T746) CAM-AEA9B6 (2018T1014); HESH-DB1922 (2010T456); LVPL-8EE474 (2015T412). These are all dated to within the range of c.1500-1700.

1625-6 Charles 1st hammered silver shilling (12 pence) - Cross Calvary mint mark

5.69g, 28.9mm

1566 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence - portcullis mint mark 2nd Roman fibular brooch

Gold ring - no hall marks - 0.57g, 20mm

1500-1650 buckle 18thC Navy button 1625 Charles 1st hammered silver half groat
18thC silver Royal navy button 18thC clog fastener Georgian ink well cover
19thC livery button 19thC livery button 1603 James 1st hammered silver sixpence
Georgian button Georgian button 1818 George III milled silver sixpence

RN Capt / Commander - 1787
RN Lieutenant - 1787

1890 Victorian General Service Button

BRITISH TOKENS, Middlesex. Carter's. 1795. CU Halfpenny, 7.79g (17mm, 6h). CARTER 32 JERMYN STREET LONDON 1795, a lady's slipper / LADIES/ (floral ornament)/ SHOE */ (floral ornament)/ MANUFACTORY * in five lines. Edge: Milled

References: D&H 276

1939 George VI milled silver sixpence 1943 George VI milled silver halfcrown
17thC lead token Medieval lead pendant

Description: 63 incised within eight pointed star.

Category:​​ Regular Army;

Type of button: Flat 22mm ​;

Metal: Pewter

​Date: c1800-1820  ​

Notes: ​An officers example to the 63rd unusually with incised rather than raised numerals, known as the 63rd Regt of Foot 1758-1782 and then West Suffolk 1782-1881.

Medieval hammered silver long cross farthing

1310 Edward II hammered silver half penny


Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON -London mint

0.65g, 14.76mm

18th C watch winders 17thC Continental jetton
1500-1700 mount Georgian button Medieval buckle tongue

16thC stone cannon ball

40.6 mm dia

1582-4 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - A mint mark
1216 Henry III hammered silver short cross penny 1803 silver clog fastener

1430's French Charles VII Three circles type jetton - mint of Tournai

Quatrefoils in circle

Ref Mitchiner 607

18thC crotal bells
Georgian spur

1307 Edward III hammered silver penny -florin


Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint

Medieval lead trade weight   Belguim 1866 Leopold II 50 centimes milled silver coin
Lead toy 1578-9 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver penny - Greek Cross mint mark
Roman lead sling shot 1816 George III milled silver shilling

2ndC Roman fibular brooch 16thC Elizabeth 1st hammered silver sixpence
Georgian watch winder Essex police button 1819 George III milled silver shilling - forgery
19thC livery button Georgian pill box lid Continental hammered silver coin
1922 George V milled silver shilling 1922 George V milled silver sixpence
1916 George V milled silver sixpence 1861 Victoria milled silver three pence
Medieval spur 1772 Russian lead bale seal
1500-1700 copper locket Georgian silver buckle 1634 Charles 1st hammered silver rose farthing

2000 BC Bronze Age flat axe

111mm L x 67mm W x 9.66 mm T - 303g

Bronze Age axe page

1247 Henry III hammered silver voided long cross halfpenny

1640's Civil War iron cannon ball

203g, 1/2 lb

Cannon balls


Georgian buckle Georgian trade weight

1247 Henry III hammered silver voided long cross halfpenny

Rev OLE/ONL - Moneyer Nicole of London mint

Georgian button


Pattern 2 (c1899 to c1901)

Folkestone, Sandgate and Hythe Tramways

Owner Folkestone, Sandgate and Hythe Tramways Company
Opened 18th May 1891 (horse)
Operator Folkestone, Sandgate and Hythe Tramways Company
Taken over 1893 (South Eastern Railway Company - a major shareholder from the outset)
Owners name changed 1st August 1899 (to the South Eastern and Chatham Railway, following the amalgamation of the SERCo with the London Chatham and Dover Railway Company)
Closed 30th September 1921
Length 3.36 miles
Gauge 4ft 8½ins

Button description (Pattern 1) Company initials ('SER') above a Victoria Crown and laurel wreath, all within a roped rim
Materials known Brass/gilt; nickel (latter for police only)
Button Line reference [None]

Button description (Pattern 2) Company initials ('SECR') above a Victoria Crown and laurel wreath, all within a roped rim
Materials known Gilt; nickel (latter for police only)
Button Line reference [None]

Button description (Pattern 3) Company initials ('SECR') above a King's Crown and laurel wreath, all within a roped rim
Materials known Gilt; nickel (latter for police only)

18thC crotal bells

15th C open topped thimble 18th/19thC yhimbles

18thC silver seal matrix
1817 George III milled silver sixpence 1820 George III milled silver sixpence

Unknown silver weave ring/bracelet - sent to museum for their views as these start early in date

6.9g,39.1mm L x 21.67mm W

1817 George III milled silver sixpence 1891 Victoria milled silver sixpence
1898 Victoria milled silver three pence  

George III oval counter mark Dollar 1792 - look like a Santiago mint, 27.6g, 39.8mm

CARLOS IV. 8 reales. 1792. Santiago. DA. C sobre R en CAROLUS. AR 26,6 g. 40 mm. VI-834 var.; AC-1021. Golpes en anv. y hoja en rev. MBC-/MBC. Muy rara.


George III (1760-1820), oval countermark upon Spanish Eight Reales of King Charles IIII (1788-1808), 1792 FM, , small oval hallmark of George III right at centre of obverse, bust of Spanish King laureate and draped right, date below, legend and toothed border surrounding, CAROLVS.IIII. DEI. GRATIA, rev. crowned quartered shield of arms, pillar with ribbon motto either side PLUS ULTRA, legend surrounding, .HISPAN. ET IND. REX. S. 8R.DA. weight 26.92g (ESC 129; Bull 1852; S.3765A).

These emergency countermarked coins were struck in relation to a crisis with the silver coinage at the end of the 18th Century where the supply of silver in commerce and for the Mint had dwindled due to the Wars in France after the Revolution in 1797. From March 1797 the Bank of England therefore released stocks of its Spanish dollars each with an oval countermark valued at 4s and 9d for currency. They did not really alleviate the problem of smaller change and were issued on an off with the oval countermark until a more complex larger octagonal mark replaced them from January to May 1804, as the oval pieces were being counterfeited. Eventually the octagonal replacements were also copied widely and the ultimate solution was to have the Soho Mint totally overstrike the Spanish Dollars with the Bank of England design.

Unknown widget Large post medieval steel yard weight

c10thC Saxon harness cheek piece Victorian bone handles pen knife

1618 Spanish hammered silver half reale, Phillip

1.81g, 18.65mm


Roman loop terret Georgian fob seal
1816 George III milled silver sixpence Post medieval lead bird

1247 Henry III hammered silver voided long cross penny

Double struck reverse - London mint

19thC Victoria milled silver sixpence
Georgian trade weight Medieval mount 1595 - 1598 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - Key mint mark
1922 George V milled silver shilling 1800 George III milled silver penny
1747 Joannes V Portugal Copper Thirty Six Shillings

Unknown Arabic coin - researching it - ID'd by NY Dale

1915 NGC AU 58 Turkey 10 Kurush 1327//7 Ottoman El Ghazi Silver Coin


18thC toy cannon 1668 'His halfpenny' hammered copper trade token
Roman mount Georgian trade weight Georgian watch winders
Georgian fob seal holder Georgian button Medieval pendant
  19thC livery button 19thC printing press blocks

Crown VR

Royal Engineer Department

In use by 1855- 1901


THE 23RD REGIMENT OF FOOT c 1800 / After 1881 :- The Royal Welsh Fusiliers

16thC Elizabethan lead illegal tavern token

Bottle and glass design

Georgian button 19thC livery button Post medieval lead trade weight
18thC Royal Artillery button Post medieval hem weight 1818 George III milled silver shilling
17thC lead token WWII Rpyal Artillery badge 1816 George III milled silver shilling

Two piece set made up from the grooved base and the small grinding tool

1stC BC to 1stC AD Celtic Woad cosmetic grinder - boat shaped

The grinder was used to pulverise vegetable material such as woad in the preparation of dyes.

These are also known as perfume or cosmetic grinders. During the Celtic period in Britain a biennial herb called Isatis Tinctoria; was cultivated for the blue dye that could be obtained from it when crushed. This plant is also known as woad. The dye would then be applied to the skin

53.5mm L x 8.5 mm W

1824 George IV milled silver shilling 1818 George III milled silver sixpence
1560 - 1561 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - Cross crosslet mint mark 1929 George V milled silver shilling
1885 Victoria milled silver three pence 1578 - 1579 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat - Greek cross mint mark
1500-1700 mount 16thC Tudor button Georgian fob seal
16thC Tudor button 17thC lead token Roman silver knee brooch
15thC lead token 1500-1700 mount

Officer - 1848-1853

THE 33RD REGIMENT OF FOOT. / After 1881 :- 1st Battalion The Duke Of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment

Victorian General Service Army button 19thC livery button Medieval gilded hanger
19thC livery button 1500-1650 buckle 1947 Colchester Co-Operative Musical Festival Piano Duet Seniors winners badge

1500-1650 buckle Victorian brooch Medieval riveted plate

Description: 82 under Prince of Wales feathers.

Category:​​ Regular Army;

Type of button: Slightly convex 22mm ​;

Metal: Copper Alloy silvered; Backmark​: CHARLES JENNENS LONDON 

​Date: c1808-1820  ​

16th Stone cannon ball

16.7g, dia

Silver casting waste

14.82g, 34.8mm L

Unknown very thick bronze decorated pot fragment

Interesting silver ring top - no hallmarks - sent it to museum for their views as it is difficult to date 1881 Victoria milled silver florin (24 pence)

Junior Imperial Constitutional League For Empire Enamel Badge

A circular lapel badge consisting of yellow metal. The central detail shows a lion statant surrounded by a blue enamel border that reads "FOR EMPIRE", with a second larger blue enamel border that reads "JUNIOR IMPERIAL & CONSTITUTIONAL LEAGUE". Above the central detail is the flag of the St George's cross, coloured with white and red enamel, and the Union Jack, coloured with red, white and blue enamel. The flags are surmounted by a King's crown coloured with red enamel. ON the reverse is a buttonhole fastening.

The 'Junior Imperial and Constitutional League' was formed in 1906 with objectives to encourage practical political work and organisation among the young Conservatives in Britain.

1279 Edward 1st hammered silver penny


Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbuty mint


1500-1700 mount Union padlock face Georgian mount
Georgian silver thimble Georgian Honourable Artillery Company button 2ndC Roman silver coin - needs cooking to remove crust
19thC livery button 1990's Generic merchant navy button  


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