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  • The Tudor Period 1485-1603 Timeline link

    Tudor finds database link

    House of Tudor, 1485-1603
    Henry VII 1485-1509 (grandson of Henry V, wife's second husband)
    Henry VIII 1509-1547 (Henry VII's second son)
    Edward V 1547-1553 (Henry's son by Jane Seymour)
    Mary 1553-1558 (Henry's daughter by Queen Catherine)
    Elizabeth I 1558-1603 (Henry's daughter by Anne Boleyn)


    Henry VIII 1509-1547

    In 1502, Henry VIII became heir to the English throne. Seven years later he was crowned King of England and quickly married to his dead brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon.

    Although Henry himself was no soldier he found success with Wolsey who organised the first French campaign and proved to be an outstanding minister. Defeat of the Scots at Flodden in 1513 added a feather to Henry's cap. However, battle with France ultimately proved expensive and unsuccessful and Wolsey's ascendancy was cut short by Henry's need for a male heir and hence separation from Catherine of Aragon. This was achieved in 1533 against Catherine's wishes, leaving Henry free to marry Anne Boleyn.

    The king's primary pursuit was an heir to the throne and it set in motion radical ecclesiastical change. With the help of Wolsey's replacement, Thomas Cromwell, Henry established himself as head of the Church of England and ordered the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Other reforms - such as the creation of the Council of the North and the Household and Exchequer - were also instigated during the 1530s. Within three years he had tired of Anne Boleyn and she was beheaded in 1536, accused of treason and adultery. Jane Seymour became queen and in 1537 produced an heir, Edward VI, who cost Jane her life and proved a sickly child.

    Henry's rule was at times merciless and his suppression of dissidents was brutal. But religious change was not inspired by the king's piety, far from it; Henry's obsession was with power and the security of the throne and although the need for divorce tested Henry's allegiance to the Pope, a conversion to Protestantism was never a real prospect. Cromwell fell victim to this when in 1540 - after a fated alliance with the Lutheran Princes and the arrangement of a marriage between the king and Anne of Cleves - conservatism claimed superiority and he too was executed.

    The final years of Henry's reign witnessed his physical decline and an increasing desperation to appear all-powerful. The 20-year-old Catharine Howard replaced Anne of Cleves as Henry's wife but she too faced the scaffold accused of adultery. A final marriage to Catherine Parr (despite Henry's physical ruin) was more harmonious although Catherine's religious leanings proved dangerous and might have brought her to the block if it wasn't for Henry's death. Further fruitless wars against Scotland and France emptied the coffers whilst at home the King attempted to play off the conservatives and radicals. Henry's legacy was bewildering - he failed to provide clear instructions regarding the rule of Edward VI and set in motion a chaotic and relentless religious upheaval.

    Henry VIII Posthumous issue​

    Henry VIII 1509-1547

    Amazing relic - Henry VIII bronze medallion/ weight ?

    4.9g, 27.03mm


    These are very rare to find and our best ever debased 1544-7 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - bust 2 - 3rd issue

    Mint mark Lis - CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR -Canterbury mint

    Toward the end of Henry VIII's reign, the silver was progressively debased from 9oz.2dwt. (.758) in 1544, through 6oz.2dwt (.508) in 1545, to 4oz.2dwt. (.342) in 1546. At this last standard, the blanched silver surface of the coins soon wore away to reveal the copper alloy beneath which earned for Henry the nickname 'Old Coppernose'.



    1509 -26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Pheon mint mark

    2.87g, 26.93mm

    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Portcullis crowned initial mark

    Portrait of Henry VII but name of Henry VIII

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - arrow mint mark
    1526-9 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Rose mintmark - Type B - satires in reverse cross ends - Tower mint
    1533-42 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - arrow mintmark
    1487-8 Henry VIII hammered silver groat (4 pence) - Durham mint
    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Arrow mintmark 1526- 44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - arrow mint mark
    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Arrow mint mark 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Sunburst mint mark

    1532-42 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - arrow mintmark

    First period - London, Tower (POSUI)


    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Portcullis crowned initial mark

    Portrait of Henry VII but name of Henry VIII

    1526-1544 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Lis mintmark 2nd issue

    London POSUI


    1544- 1547 Henry VIII hammered silver groat -3rd issue


    1509 -26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Arrow mintmark
    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Rose mint mark 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Arrow mint mark
    Stunning strike of a 1526 -44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - arrow mint mark 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Arrow mint mark
    1495 -8 Henry VIII hammered silver groat 1526-9 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Type B - satires in reverse cross ends
    1547-51 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - posthumous issue
    1544-7 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Third coinage
    1509 -26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - Pheon mint mark 1495 -8 Henry VIII hammered silver groat
    1547-51 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - posthumous issue 1526 - 44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat (4 pence) 2nd coinage - mintmark Lis

    1532- 42 AD Henry VIII hammered silver groat - 2nd coinage 2.68g, 25.18mm and a 1272 AD Edward hammered silver farthing 0.32g,9.52mm - Type 30h Obv EDWARDVS REX AN Rev CIVITAS LONDON

    1509 Henry VIII hammered silver groat needs straightening to ID type

    1526-44 AD Henry VIII hammered silver groat, second profile issue Type G

    C in Henric is reversed D

    obv HENRIC + VIII + D + E + AGL Z FRANC


    Satires on cross ends

    1528 Henry VIII hammered silver groat (4 pence)(c)
    1526 AD Henry VIII hammered silver groat (4 pence) and a 14thC long cross 1/4 penny
    1526- 44 Henry VIII 2nd Profile issue - London Mint Obverse shows reversed Roman D for C in HENRIC and in FRANC- Laker D hammered silver groat
    1526- 44 Henry VIII 2nd coinage Laker E hammered silver groat
    1509 -26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver gorat - Arrow mint mark
    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver groat- Lis mint mark

    1509 -25 Henry VIII hammered silver groat - mint mark Rose

    Canterbury mint


    Half Groats

    1526-32 Henry VIII hammered silver halfgroat- cross patonce

    Archbishop Warham - WA by shield -Canterbury mint

    1526-32 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat WA beside shield- Warham's Uncertain initial mark (Archbishop William Warham)

    rev CIVITAS CANTOR - Canterbury mint (111)


    1526- 32 Henry VIII milled silver half groat - Cross patonce initial mark

    WA by shield Archbishop William Warham - Ref JJ North 1802


    Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint


    2nd coinage 1533-1544 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - TC beside shiled - Archbishop Thomas Cranmer) Inital mark Catherine wheel


    Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint

    1.20g, 18.5mm

    1554-47Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Third coinage - spur from shield to inner circle


    Rev CIVI/TAS/EBO/RACI - York mint

    1533-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Catherine wheel mint mark

    Archbishop Cranmer - TC besides shield

    1526-32 Henry VIII hammered silver halfgroat- cross patonce

    Archbishop Warham - WA by shield -Canterbury mint

    1544-7 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - 3rd coinage

    Rev CIVI/TAS/EBO/RACI - York mint

    1508-14 Henry VIII hammered silver halfgroat - Marlett mint mark

    Archbishop Brainbridge issue - keys below shield


    1526-32 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Cross patonce mintmark

    Archbishop Warham - WA by shield

    Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammmered silver half groat- 2nd coinage - WA by shield Archbishop Warham

    CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint

    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - TW by shield Archbishop Wolsey 1544-7 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Third coinage

    1531-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Archbishop Lee

    LE by shield

    1531-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - LE besides shield - key mint mark

    Archbishop Lee

    1526-44AD Henry VIII hammered silver half groat 2nd coinage Archb Warham

    1.18g, 18.34mm Canterbury mint

    1526 Henry VIII hammered half groat - Archb Cranmer (c)

    1509- 26 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - first coinage - two arches unjewelled

    rev CIVITAS CANTOR (Canterbury mint) POSUI DEUM (Archbishop William Warham)

    1.11g, 18.83mm

    1526 AD Henery VIII hammered silver half groat Canterbury, Archbishop Warham - WA by shield

    1526 - 44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat, needs straightening to reveal exact type on obverse
    1526-44 AD Henry VIII hammered silver groat, second profile issue
    1509 - 47 Henry VIII hammered silver groat fragment 1533-44 Henry VIII hammered silver groat fragment

    1531-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - profile issue

    Archb Lee - EL by shield

    1544 -7 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Third coinage

    1530 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat

    TW by shield - Archbishop Wolsey

    Rev CIVI/TAS/EBO/RACI- York mint

    1526-32 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Cross potance mint mark

    Archb Warham WA by shield- Canterbury mint mark

    1533-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half groat - Catherine wheel mint mark  


    Unknown NEW type - mullet by crown

    1509 - 26 Henry VIII hammered silver farthing - Mullet by crown - Long Cross Fourchee, brush hair - Portcullis initial mark - single arched crown


    Rev CIVI/TAS/ ****


    1526- 44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - Single arched crown - 'Brush' hair


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1526-55 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - 2nd coinage - Lis mint mark - Type 1Bc ,Brush hair

    Obv h'D'G'***A'

    London mint

    1526- 44 Henry VIII hammered silver halfpenny - 2nd coinage rev cross fourchee - Type 3 single arched crown

    Obv *** ROSA xSIEx SPIA

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1533- 56 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny -

    Archbishop Thoman Cranmer - TC at sides of bust


    Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Canterbury mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny- 2nd issue, brush hair - plain cross - uncertain type i.m.


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - Cross fourchee , single arched crown

    Obv hE ******

    Rev CIVI/TAS EBO/RACI - York mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver halfpenny - 'brush' hair - long cross fourchee - 2nd coinage - Type 1 B(f)

    Obv + hxDxGxROSAxSIExSPIA'

    Rev CIVI/TAS/**


    1509 -26 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - single arched crown

    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny Portcullis Crowned mint mark - 1st issue


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1509 Henry VIII hammered silver halfpenny - 'Brush hair' bust - Cross fourchee

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    0.27g, 11.07mm

    1526- 44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - Single arched crown - 'Brush' hair


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1533- 56 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - Wheel mint mark - 2e

    Archbishop Thoman Cranmer - TC at sides of bust


    Rev CIVI/TAS/CAN/TOR - Casnterbury mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver halfpenny - 'narrow' hair - long cross fourchee - 2nd coinage

    Obv + hxDxGxROSAxSIExSPIA'

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - 2nd coinage - type D

    Obv h'D'*G xROSA*** SPIA'- Mint mark arrow

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1509-1547 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - 1st coinage -

    Obv ** DI C ***

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny- 2nd issue, brush hair - - long cross fourchee - 2nd coinage - uncertain type i.m.


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1533-56 Henry VIII hammered silver halfpenny -2nd coinage TC at sides og bust

    Archbishop Thomas Cranmer

    1526 -44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny- Brush hair - single arched crown-


    Rev CIVI/TASx/LON/DON - London mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - brush hair- single arched crown- cross ends plain

    Obv *h' D G ** SPIA

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    0.33g, 11.32mm

    1509- 26 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny

    Cross Fourchee- Narrow hair

    1526- 44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - Single arched crown - 'Brush' hair - 2nd coinage


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LOND/DON - London mint

    1509-1526 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - first coinage - double arched crown - portcullis mint mark


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1509-1526 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - first coinage - double arched crown - portcullis mint mark -cross fourchee


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1509-26 Henry VIII hammered silver halfpenny - single arched crown -Cross fourchee

    9.39mm, 0.27g


    1526- 44 Henry VIII hammered silver half penny - Single arched crown - 'Brush' hair


    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint


    Sovereign penny

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Duram) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey

    1509-23 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - Radiant star

    Durham mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - TC above shield

    Obv CIVI TAS EBO RACI - York mint

    1526 - 1544 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign

    penny - Star both sides, radiant star Obv only

    CD besides shield - Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Duram) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Duram) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey
    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Duram) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey

    1509 -26 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - TD by shield Bishop Thomas Ruthall

    Durham mint


    Thomas Ruthall (Ruthal, Rowthall) (died 4 February 1523) was an English churchman, administrator and diplomat. He was a leading councillor of Henry VIII of England

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Durham) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey

    1509 -47 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny

    TD besides shield - Bishop Ruthall - Durham mint

    Henry VIII hammmered silver penny - Sovereign type London 0.49g - 15.53 mm

    1526 - 1544 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign

    penny - Star both sides, radiant star Obv only

    CD besides shield - Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Duram) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey

    1426-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - 2nd coinage

    Obv King enthroned holding orb and sceptre - TW by shield

    ArchBp Wolsey - Durham mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver one pence - TW by shield - Durham Bp Wolsey 1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny - (Duram) TW by shield Bishop Thomas Wolsey
    1509 Henry VII hammered silver penny 1509 - 26 Henry VIII first coinage 'Sovereign type' hammered silver penny

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver penny Sovereign type - London mint

    0.67g, 16.47mm

    1526 - 1544 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign

    penny - Star both sides, radiant star Obv only

    CD besides shield - Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall

    1530 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny

    TW by shield- Archbishop Wosley

    1526 - 1544 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign

    penny - Star both sides, radiant star Obv only

    CD besides shield - Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver penny Sovereign type

    Rev CIVI/TAS/LON/DON - London mint

    1526-44 Henry VIII hammered silver penny Sovereign type

    London mint

    1526 - 1544 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny -Radiant star Obv only

    CD besides shield - Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall

    1526 - 1544 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny

    1530 Henry VIII hammered silver sovereign penny

    TW by shield- Archbishop Wosley



    1544-7 Henry VIII hammered silver penny - 3rd coinage, debased issue - facing bust type


    Not sure of this coin yet- satire stops both sides, not in my books

    1509-47 Henry VIII hammered silver penny - long cross fourchee -

    Obv +REX+

    Rev N+/+NM ?